PT -期刊文章盟理查德帕特尔非盟-西德尼·斯达克曼AU -斯科特·汉密尔顿盟莎朗·克雷格盟-安娜燕盟-罗宾Conwit AU -杰弗里节省TI -改善兰金规模中风残疾等级的可靠性在临床试验和临床实践:兰金集中评估——移动(RFA - A) (S32.003) DP - 2013年2月12日TA -神经病学PG - S32.003 S32.003 VI - 80 IP - 7补充4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2013 2月12;首页80 AB -目的:验证兰金集中评估——移动(RFA-A),一个简短的、可行的结构化的评估,分配一个modfied兰金规模(夫人)全球残疾分数高两分的可靠性。背景:修改后的兰金(夫人)全球残疾量表是使用最广泛的主要结果测量指标在急性中风试验和最近添加为一个常规临床实践的结果评估与指导方针——美国国家得到中风注册表。然而,非结构化的评估已被证明有夫人差两分的可靠性。设计/方法:RFA-A是修改验证兰金集中评估开发满足用户请求乐器强调移动(原兰金规模一样),而不是流动性(通过步行或轮椅,残疾的康复评估常用的方法)。RFA-A需要3 - 5分钟申请并提供清晰,实施标准区分7分配全球残疾水平。RFA-A是前瞻性验证3个月连续50患者中风后进入第三阶段NIH FAST-MAG审判。结果:在50个患者,平均年龄71.5 43 - 93(范围),48%的是女性,和中风亚型是出血性在24%。在第90天,43例和7还活着已经死了。夫人值为2.0,2.8。对14个评级机构评估所有登记患者时,协议百分比为94%,加权k为0.99 (95% CI 0.99 - -1.0),和未加权的k为0.93 (95% CI 0.85 - -1.00)。 Among the 43 surviving patients, the percent agreement was 93%, the weighted kappa was 0.99 (0.98-1.0), and the unweighted kappa was 0.91 (0.82-1.00).CONCLUSIONS: The Rankin Focused Assessment - Ambulation yields high inter-rater reliability in the grading of final global disability among consecutive stroke patients. The RFA-A is brief and practical for use in multicenter clinical trials and quality improvement activities.Supported by: NIH-NINDS Awards U01 NS 44364 and P50 NS044378.Disclosure: Dr. Patel has nothing to disclose. Dr. Starkman has received research support from the National Institutes of Health, Lundbeck, Mitsubishi, and NTI. Dr. Hamilton has nothing to disclose. Dr. Craig has nothing to disclose. Dr. Yanes has nothing to disclose. Dr. Conwit has nothing to disclose. Dr. Saver has received personal compensation for activities with The University of California, Regents as a scientific consultant to BrainsGate, CoAxia, ev3, Talecris, PhotoThera, and Sygnis. Dr. Saver has received research support from the University of California, Regents,Wednesday, March 20 2013, 4:00 pm-5:30 pm