PT -期刊文章盟-亚当Kosteva盟-马修马斯河AU -尼尔·罗森博格盟-丽贝卡·鲍尔AU -詹姆斯·古思盟-埃里克·利奥塔AU -大卫·内堂盟-安德鲁Naidech TI -网络功能和生活质量的评估结果后颅内出血(P04.033) DP - 2013年2月12日TA -神经病学PG - P04.033 P04.033 VI - 80 IP - 7补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页ent/P04.033.full所以Neurology2013 2月12;80 AB -目的:评估的准确性基于web的patient-reported结果对比验证结果评估的方法。背景:改良Rankin分数(夫人),验证分数从0(无症状)到6(死了),一般评估研究人员通过电话或亲自使用验证问卷可以耗时和不方便。我们测试的假设病人和代理可以准确地报告他们的夫人太太在网上和生命质量的结果相比,由研究人员评估。设计/方法:我们前瞻性的自发性脑出血患者(我)或动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)。病人,或代理,为后续联系在28天,3个月,1年,研究人员得分病人或代理分别评估了太太太太在一个安全、专用网站,完成了一个电脑化的测试得分流动Neuro-QOL(验证评估)。夫人分数从研究人员和网站报道比较与斯皮尔曼的ρ和皮尔森的卡巴。夫人的分数都比Neuro-QOL迁移成绩报告的病人与方差分析或代理。结果:我们的分析包括59例(26我和33 SAH患者)与88年评估。有很好的协议研究员和病人之间的夫人/代理评估(ρ= 0.82;k = 0.6;p<0.001 for both). mRS scores (from study staff or patient/proxy) were associated linearly with Neuro-QOL mobility scores (P<0.001 for both). CONCLUSIONS: Reasonably accurate mRS scores for ICH and SAH patients can be obtained from patients (or proxies) online without an interview and both correlate with validated mobility scores. Web based outcomes ascertainment is a feasible and accurate option for follow-up assessments in clinical research.Disclosure: Dr. Kosteva has nothing to disclose. Dr. Maas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rosenberg has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bauer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Guth has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liotta has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cella has received personal compensation for activities with Moffitt Cancer Center Advisory Board as a consultant. Dr. Naidech has received research support from Gaymar Inc.Wednesday, March 20 2013, 7:30 am-12:00 pm