PT -期刊文章盟Sourabh Lahoti AU - Sankalp Gokhale盟的帕特里克•米歇尔-路易Caplan盟盟大卫Liebeskind AU - Yves参孙盟夏洛特罗索Shirish Hastak TI - AU -尼基塔Dedhia盟溶栓在缺血性中风没有动脉闭塞:多中心、跨国回顾性研究(S52.003) DP - 2013年2月12日TA -神经病学PG - S52.003 S52.003 VI - 80 IP - 7补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页52.003.full所以Neurology2013 2月12;80 AB -目的:研究是否静脉溶栓与溶栓改善缺血性中风患者的临床结果没有动脉闭塞在CT或MR血管造影表现。背景:随机试验报告更好的结果在缺血性中风溶栓后但没有充分研究缺血性中风的亚型。没有动脉闭塞患者的子组演讲继续接受溶栓治疗没有证明的好处和风险。设计/方法:基于回顾医疗记录观察多中心、跨国公司研究中心从5点完成美国、欧洲和印度。医疗记录的患者呈现在过去5年缺血性中风,没有成像(CTA / MRA)血管闭塞的证据进行了分析。患者分为两组,一个接受溶栓治疗和其他没有。梗塞的大小和位置基于MR扩散加权图像,病人被分成两个子组,一个中风引起的大容器/栓子阻塞其次是自发的血管再通和第二腔隙中风由于内在穿透动脉疾病。结果:65名患者的完整的数据thrombolysed没有动脉阻塞是与135年相比控制。在署表示没有显著差异(p = 0.562)和夫人在90天(p = 0.334)患者thrombolysed,谁没有。症状性颅内出血发生在3.92%的病人(n = 51)在控制thrombolysed和0% (n = 102)。溶栓组的所有原因的死亡率是6.25%和4.44%的非thrombolysed组。结论:这项回顾性分析表明溶栓并没有改变的功能结果缺血性中风患者没有动脉闭塞在演讲。 A larger study to comprehensively study on this subject is needed.Disclosure: Dr. Lahoti has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gokhale has nothing to disclose. Dr. Caplan has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Reviews in Neurological Diseases and Archives of Neurology Dr. Michel has received personal compensation for activities with Servier, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as a speaker, steering committee member, or advisory board member. Dr. Liebeskind has received personal compensation for activities with Concentric Medical, Inc. and CoAxia, Inc as a consultant. Dr. Samson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rosso has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dedhia has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hastak has nothing to disclose.Thursday, March 21 2013, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm