% 0期刊文章% Fawaz Al-Mufti %米歇尔DuMonde %一个罗拉Nuoman % Patricia Coyle % T快船:罕见的疾病或冰山一角?病例报告和文献综述(P03.190) % D J神经病学2013% % P P03.190-P03.190 % V首页 80% N % X 7补充目的:阐明鲜为人知,可能误诊或诊断的障碍。背景:有有限的文献在神经障碍称为快船(慢性淋巴细胞炎症与桥的血管周的增强对类固醇),于2010年首次报道。快船是最闻名的签名MRI出现证明血管周的增强主要涉及大脑血管在脑桥、小脑、脑桥臂,有或没有相关症状从共济失调pseudobulbar影响。设计/方法:一名70岁女子面对频繁的4周历史下降,逐渐开始下肢无力和共济失调。广泛的工作显示寡克隆乐队和脑脊液中髓磷脂碱性蛋白升高,积极CANCA血,脑部MRI异常。她的MRI显示的血管周的增强在脑干和peri-ventricular地区。这种模式最初被认为是符合AVM,但cerebralangiography是负面的。MRI显示功能的进一步评论让人想起快船综合症。没有替代诊断成立尽管彻底调查。基于诊断为快船综合症,她接受5天IV methylprednisone导致临床和放射学的进步。没有进一步的类固醇。RESULTS: More than 8 weeks following her initial presentation, the patient progressively stabilized on MRI and continued to do well clinically. A PubMED search was carried out to review the current literature. Seminal clinical features, presentation, diagnosis, treatment, recurrence and outcome will be discussed and reviewed in detail.CONCLUSIONS: We raise the possibility that CLIPPERS syndrome may be more common than realized. Awareness of the unique radiological findings may suggest this disease. We surmise that careful review of perplexing MRI imaging on difficult cases could reveal CLIPPERS as the diagnosis for many more potentially treatable cases.Disclosure: Dr. Al-Mufti has nothing to disclose. Dr. DuMonde has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nuoman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation for activities with Acorda Therapeutics, Bayer, Biogen Idec, Genentech, Inc., Novartis, Pfizer Inc, Questcor, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, and Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for NEURA. Dr. Coyle has received research support fromActelion, EMD Serono, and Novartis.Tuesday, March 19 2013, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm %U