@article{作者mittalin7 - 2.001 = {Manoj米塔尔亚伦伯科威茨和汉娜凯伦和戈登沈Rajanandini来自和珍妮弗•里昂和罗素Shinohara和阿什法克Shuaib和法拉Mateen}, title ={报道使用IV-Tissue纤溶酶原激活物(IV-TPA)对急性缺血性中风(AIS)全球:系统回顾(并不- 2.001)},体积={80}={7}补充数量,页面={并不- 2.001——并不- 2.001}={2013},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:报告全球使用IV-TPA AIS的国家,收入集团国家级人均卫生支出,以及研究的质量。首页背景:IV-TPA是最有效的治疗AIS。使用IV-TPA存在多个障碍,包括药物成本和可用性、快速访问医院、神经影像学基础设施和急救护理。设计/方法:系统回顾了每个国家和中风{\ textquotedblleft} {\ textquotedblright}或{\ textquotedblleft}组织纤溶酶原激活物{\ textquotedblright}或{\ textquotedblleft}溶栓在PubMed {\ textquotedblright}(1月1日公布的1997 - 10,2012)。每个国家{\ textquoteright}年代文学分别综述了2评论家,和研究水平的质量,在任何语言出版,决心。国家收入地位是由世界银行(2011)和人均卫生支出总额由世界卫生组织(2010)。结果:214个国家和独立的领土,54(25 \ %)使用IV-TPA AIS报道,包括3 \ %(1/36)低收入,13 \ %(7/54)较低的中等收入,28 \ %(15/54)上中等收入,和高收入国家44 \ % (31/70)(p < 0.0001)。在报告国家中,最高质量的研究在69年最初的假说驱动的研究\ % (n = 37),案例系列26 \ % (n = 14),和案例报告6 \ % (n = 3)。人均医疗保健支出总额中值为更高的国家中使用与不使用IV-TPA AIS(1514和302国际元,p \ < 0.0001),包括在高收入国家组(高收入国家:3361和1678,p = 0.002,中上收入国家:998和624,p = 0.01)。这是在低收入国家没有发现地层(低中等收入国家:132和229,p = 0.03,低收入国家:78和64,p = 0.664)。结论:全球IV-TPA AIS的报道有限使用,病人只有四分之一的国家。IV-TPA用于不同收入水平国家壁垒必须理解和克服。 Research and development for less expensive, more accessible treatments for AIS in developing countries are imperative.Supported by: Dr. Mateen receives support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.Disclosure: Dr. Mittal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Berkowitz has received royalty payments from Clinical Pathophysiology Made Ridiculously Simple, and The Improvising Mind. Dr. McLane has nothing to disclose. Dr. Shen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Muralidharan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lyons has nothing to disclose. Dr. Shinohara has nothing to disclose. Dr. Shuaib has received personal compensation for activities with AstraZeneca, CoAxia, Pfizer, BI, Sanofi, Servier, Merck Frosst, Bayer, NTI, Allphase, BMS, Aventis. Dr. Shuaib has received research support from AstraZeneca, CoAxia, Pfizer, BI, Sanofi, Servier, Merck Frosst, Bayer, NTI, Allphase, BMS, Aventis Dr. Mateen has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, March 20 2013, 2:00 pm-6:00 pm}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/7_Supplement/IN7-2.001}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }