TY - T1的早期放射治疗提供了优越的疼痛缓解三叉神经痛患者JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 2159 LP - 2165 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000002216六世- 85 - 24 AU -赛义德·h·穆萨维盟Ajay Niranjan AU -马歇尔j .黄盟法赫德j . Laghari AU -塞缪尔·s . Shin盟乔什·l·Mindlin AU -约翰·c·弗里金格AU - l .戴德Lunsford Y1 - 2015/12/15 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/85/24/2159.abstract N2 -目的:我们评估因素与立体定向放首页射外科(SRS)后更好的结果时,执行第一顽固性三叉神经痛的外科手术。方法:共有121名患者(平均年龄72岁)与顽固性疼痛和手术前没有接受伽玛刀SRS作为三叉神经痛他们最初的外科手术。使用一个4毫米等深点,患者接受平均最大剂量的80 Gy,交付给三叉神经术中MRI所定义的目标。中位随访36个月。结果:缓解疼痛(巴罗神经学研究所(研究会)评分I-IIIa)实现在107名(88%)患者平均1个月的时间。病人早期SRS(疼痛发作的3年内)有一个较短的时间间隔,直到疼痛(1周,p & lt;0.001),有一个时间间隔的止痛药物(BNI-I p & lt;0.001),更长的持续时间足够的疼痛控制(BNI-I-IIIa p & lt;0.001)。无痛区间中值病人SRS 1, 2, 3,和3年以上三叉神经痛的诊断后68年,37岁,36岁和10个月。 Patients who responded to SRS within the first 3 weeks after SRS had a longer duration of complete pain relief compared to those with longer response times (p = 0.001). Fifteen patients (12%) reported new sensory dysfunction after SRS.Conclusion: Early SRS as the initial surgical procedure for management of refractory trigeminal neuralgia was associated with faster, better, and longer pain relief when compared to late SRS.Classification of evidence: This study provides Class IV evidence that in patients with medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia, early stereotactic radiosurgery as the initial procedure provides faster, better, and longer pain relief.BNI=Barrow Neurological Institute; MVD=microvascular decompression; SRS=stereotactic radiosurgery ER -