PT -期刊文章盟-米切尔沃林AU -威廉Culpepper盟——约翰Kurtzke TI -疾病进展的风险因素在多元化我们多发性硬化症人群为基础的队列(S45.003) DP - 2015年4月06 TA -神经病学PG - S45.003 VI - 84 IP - 14补充4099 - // 4100 - h首页ttp://所以Neurology2015 4月06;84 AB -目的:本研究的目的是评估人口、环境与疾病进展和临床变量及其关系在新的事件和人口多样化的多发性硬化症(MS)队列。背景:女士是最常见的进行性神经系统疾病的年轻人。其发病率和患病率增加在世界的种族和地区以前极其影响,包括非洲裔美国人、西班牙裔、亚裔和个人来自中东。很少有女士以人群为基础的群组评估残疾进展,其中大多数是偏向欧洲血统的人。设计/方法:基于人群的海湾战争时期一群女士(n = 2691)我们在Kurtzke残疾评估疾病进展状态量表(DSS)。这群由事件情况下与美国军事服务在1990 - 2007之间,与神经系统残疾评估诊断和最近的考试。种族、民族、性别、地理位置、部署战争剧场,从病人和临床变量编码的数据库。从发病到DSS 6(甘蔗)和DSS 7(限于轮椅)评估使用kaplan meier曲线和Cox比例风险模型。结果:在平均8年的随访期内疾病发作,非洲裔美国人(AA)和男性显著进展的独立预测指标DSS 6和DSS 7。 Patients with a progressive disease course, motor or multiple symptoms at onset were also significant predictors of progression to DSS 6 and 7. Use of disease modifying therapies was protective for progression to DSS 6. Deployment to a war theater and geographic location at entry to the military were not predictors of neurological progression. CONCLUSIONS: We found male sex, African American race, and motor/multiple symptoms at onset were significant risk factors for neurological progression in a contemporary incident MS cohort. Use of DMTs was found to be protective in limiting disease progression.Disclosure: Dr. Wallin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Culpepper has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kurtzke has nothing to disclose.Thursday, April 23 2015, 1:00 pm-2:45 pm