TY - T1的初始经验[18 f] AV1451宠物在广告和non-AD Tauopathies (P5.005) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 84 - 14补充SP - P5.005盟吉尔首页Rabinovici AU -丹尼尔Schonhaut盟里克Ossenkoppele Andreas Lazaris AU -贝克苏珊娜盟盟-萨姆·洛克哈特盟亨利施维默AU -詹姆斯·奥尼尔盟米格尔桑托斯AU -扎卡里·米勒盟Bettcher Brianne AU -亚当拳击手AU -霍华德·罗森盟玛丽亚Gorno Tempini AU -布鲁斯·米勒盟威廉Jagust Y1 - 2015/04/06 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/84/14_Supplement/P5.005.abstract N2 -目的:描述初步研究结果应用τ宠物配体[18 f] AV1451(原名T807)光谱的痴呆症状。背景:[18 f] AV1451结合τ夹杂物在尸检标本阿尔茨海默病(AD)和non-AD tauopathies。体内宠物数据是有限的。设计/方法:淀粉样蛋白(c[11]加以执行和[18 f] AV1451宠物在16个正常对照组(NC,平均年龄为78.4±5.1)和16个病人(64.9±8.5岁MMSE 23.3±4.3: 8广告,5进行性核上的麻痹(PSP), 1额颞叶痴呆(FTD)由于C9ORF72突变,语义痴呆(SD)和1高危慢性创伤性脑病(CTE))。(11 c)加以0 - 90分钟分布体积比(DVR)和[18 f] AV1451 80 - 100分钟标准摄入值比率(SUVR)这些都是借助一个小脑灰质参考区域。结果:AD患者显示temporoparietal-predominant AV1451吸收模式,而加以绑定是在联合皮质扩散。AV1451摄取升高在广告和数控外侧和内侧颞顶叶、枕叶和额叶皮质(术中,0.01)。广告后皮质萎缩患者(N = 4)显示大枕绑定,而logopenic失语症患者显示左半球不对称增加绑定。在PSP,高架AV1451绑定与NC在苍白球(术中,0.01);绑定也见过在小脑齿状核,纹状体和丘脑,但与数控重叠。 The patient at risk for CTE was PIB-negative and showed focal AV1451 binding in left anterior temporal lobe. Elevated binding was also seen in the anterior temporal lobes in SD and frontal cortex in FTD-C9ORF72 (both PIB-negative), though these patients are expected to have tau-negative, TDP43-positive inclusions. CONCLUSIONS:Preliminary studies suggest that AV1451 binding follows the expected pattern of tau pathology in AD and PSP, though subcortical signal in PSP overlaps with NC. Further work is needed to validate these findings, and to characterize the nature of AV1451 binding in patients with expected FTD-TDP pathology.Disclosure: Dr. Rabinovici has received personal compensation for activities with PCME/Rockpointe as a speaker. Dr. Rabinovici receives research support from the National Institutes of Health, Alzheimer's Association, John Douglas French Alzheimer's Foundation, Tau C Dr. Schonhaut has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ossenkoppele has nothing to disclose. Dr. Baker has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lazaris has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lockhart has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schwimmer has nothing to disclose. Dr. O'Neil has nothing to disclose. Dr. Santos has nothing to disclose. Dr. Miller has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bettcher has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boxer has received personal compensation for activities with Archer Pharmaceuticals, EnVivo Pharmaceuticals, Grifols, and iPerian as a consultant. Dr. Rosen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gorno Tempini has nothing to disclose. Dr. Miller has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Cambridge University Press, Guilford Publications, Inc., and Neurocase. Dr. Jagust has received personal compensation for activities with Genentech Inc., Synarc, Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy, TauRx, and Siemens as a consultant.Wednesday, April 22 2015, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm ER -