RT期刊文章SR电子T1减少复发活动对于那些开关Natalizumab替代疾病修饰治疗:一项观察性研究(P3.272)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P3.272 VO 84 14补充A1罗伯特·麦奎因A1 Terrie利文斯通A1盖Vollmer A1约翰Corboy A1的故事Nair A1乔纳森·首页坎贝尔年2015 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/84/14_Supplement/P3.272.abstract AB目的:检查开关的影响从疾病修饰治疗(儿童),如干扰素或glatiramer醋酸(GA),持久Natalizumab使用声明的复发率。二级目标检测的影响从持久natalizumab使用切换到其他与儿童在声明的复发率。背景:Natalizumab复发缓和多发性硬化(MS)表明可有效减少复发与其他儿童活动后切换。设计/方法:使用IMS PharMetrics +声称数据库(2006年- 2012年),我们发现那些女士发起natalizumab(没有natalizumab声称年之前),至少有两年的随访。坚持每年随访时间被定义为没有90天或更大的差距natalizumab疗法。复发是一个医学相关住院或门诊访问与静脉注射或口服类固醇突然要求7天内。分析比较患者的观察(例如,在主题)基于natalizumab持久性和开关状态的变化从一年到下一个(如过渡从natalizumab GA持久),折合成年率的复发率和估计的差异。结果:共有107名病人观察了儿童发展前一年;25 (23 [percnt])这些转变natalizumab持久性。 2,723 patient observations were persistent on natalizumab in the year prior; 267 (10[percnt]) of these switched to another DMT. Patient observations switching from alternative DMTs and transitioning to persistent natalizumab use were associated with a relapse-rate decrease of -0.44 (95[percnt] CI: -0.76, -0.13). Patient observations transitioning from persistent on natalizumab to alternative DMTs were associated with a relapse-rate increase of 0.34 (95[percnt] CI: 0.17, 0.52). CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest those who transition from other DMTs to persistent on natalizumab have statistically significant reductions in annual relapse rates. Alternatively, real-world persistent natalizumab users who switch to another DMT have statistically significant increases in annual relapse rates. Study Supported by: Biogen Idec.Disclosure: Dr. McQueen has received personal compensation for activities with Health Economics Consulting Group LLC. Dr. Livingstone has received personal compensation for activities with Biogen Idec as an employee. Dr. Vollmer has received personal compensation for activities with Acorda Therapeutics, Biogen Idec, Genentech, Inc., Novartis, Ono Pharmaceutical, Teva Neuroscience, and XenoPort as a consultant. Dr. Corboy has received personal compensation for activities with ProCE, Celgene, Teva, Novartis, and Biogen Idec. Dr. Nair has received compensation from Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Biogen Idec as a consultant. Dr. Campbell has received personal compensation for activities with PEcon LLC as a consultant.Tuesday, April 21 2015, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm