TY - T1的开发技术为主列线图颞歧视阈值测试(P2.018) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 84 - 14补充SP - P2.018盟薄暮菲安妮玛丽·拉莫斯盟- Alina Esquenazi盟莫妮卡Faye Villegas首页 AU -天下吴盟哈雷特马克Y1 - 2015/04/06 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/84/14_Supplement/P2.018.abstract N2 -目标建立颞歧视阈值测试的诺模图。背景阈值(TDT)颞歧视的最短interstimulus间隔连续能感知刺激作为单独的主题。先前的研究表明,负异常高肌张力障碍的诊断敏感性和特异性,并指出一个特性不仅的疾病,而且对基因突变与肌张力障碍有关。然而,有各种各样的技术,也没有正常的限制标准。再现性数据稀缺。方法我们研究TDT)使用限制的方法(三升三降限制)100年健康的志愿者,在男性和女性中平均分配,在十个年龄段,从18岁到79岁。刺激强度进行测试,使用环电极在近端和远端指节间的折痕的食指,在120 (percnt)被设置为每个单独的感觉阈值。参与者被要求报告两个测试是否刺激同时或顺序发生。平均在六个限制是TDT。线性回归分析进行检查之间的关系的年龄和以下三个TDT测试结果:的意思是左手(L-mean),平均的右手(R-mean),和平均的两只手(LR-mean)。 L-mean (or R-mean) was the mean of three ascending TDT and three descending TDT measures from left (or right) hand LR-mean was the mean of R-mean and L-mean. Reliability analysis based on intraclass correlation coefficient was conducted to assess the measurement reproducibility of the TDT test. Results Linear regression analysis showed that age was significantly related to L-mean, R-mean and LR-mean with R-square equal to 0.08 , 0.164 and 0.132, respectively. Reliability analysis indicated that the three measures had fair-to-good reliability. Conclusions TDT is affected by age, and has fair-to-good reproducibility using our technique.Disclosure: Dr. Ramos has received research support from BCN Peptides. Dr. Esquenazi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Villegas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hallett has received personal compensation for activities with Neurotoxin Institute, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Wiley-Blackwell, and Springer.Tuesday, April 21 2015, 7:30 am-12:00 pm ER -