RT期刊文章SR电子T1叙述通信使用福音音乐和电视可以提高EMS激活中风的黑人和西班牙裔(P7.145)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P7.145 VO 84 14补充A1 Olajide威廉姆斯A1帕罗Abel-Bey A1詹姆斯高贵A1 Lenfis瓦尔迪兹A1埃林Leighton-He首页rrmann A1亚历山德拉DeSorbo A1玛德琳戈迪略A1约瑟夫Ravenell A1米尔德里德拉米雷斯A1珍妮Teresi A1 Girardin jean - louis A1 Olugbenga Ogedegbe年2015 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/84/14_Supplement/P7.145.abstract AB目的:我们研究了两个12分钟中风电影的有效性改善中风在黑人和西班牙裔的EMS激活。背景:黑人和西班牙裔不太可能使用救护车服务,这是与延迟到达时间中风治疗。911更依赖与调用相关的因素的感知严重性和紧迫性症状(包括瞬态症状),而不是识别的症状。正是这种观念,不仅识别,这基于我们的电影。方法:我们招收了106名(60黑色和46个拉美裔)成年教徒们到教堂圣所观看的两个12分钟,文化和faith-tailored电影——一个福音音乐(英语)和电视连续剧(西班牙语)。两人都是专业制作,剧本开发使用一个实现意图的行为策略。我们测量调用911使用验证中风行动测试(统计;总= 21中风项分)在英语和西班牙语(它使用假设的中风事件场景),连同相关变量,前、后和后不到三干预。数据分析使用重复测量方差分析。结果:增加的意图后,立即拨打911是单查看(黑人、5.6中风项点的意思是增加统计分数,p < 0.001)(西班牙裔,5.08点,p < 0.001),仍然重要,3个月。。 Higher self-efficacy for calling 911 was associated with calling 911 among Hispanics (p=0.007), but not Blacks. A composite measure of barriers to calling 911 was not associated with calling 911 in either group. No association was found between stroke symptom knowledge and intent to call 911 at 3 months. No gender associations were found; however, being older was associated with greater intent to call 911 (r=0.396, p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Narrative Communication in the form of tailored short films may offer a scalable way to improve calling 911 for stroke. Study Supported by: NINDSDisclosure: Dr. Williams has nothing to disclose. Dr. Abel-Bey has nothing to disclose. Dr. Noble has received personal compensation for activities with St. Barnabas Medical Center. Dr. Valdez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Leighton-Herrmann has nothing to disclose. Dr. DeSorbo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gordillo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ravenell has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ramirez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Teresi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jean-Louis has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ogedegbe has nothing to disclose.Thursday, April 23 2015, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm