PT -期刊文章盟Sourabh Lahoti AU - Sankalp Gokhale盟的帕特里克•米歇尔-路易Caplan盟盟- Yves参孙AU -夏洛特罗索盟Kaustubh Limaye AU -阿卡纳Hinduja盟Aneesh Singhal AU -赛义德·阿里·盟理查德Kryscio Shirish Hastak AU -尼基塔Dedhia盟盟-大卫Liebeskind AU - L小矮星TI -栓塞中风与自发的血管再通(P3.085) DP - 2015年4月06 TA -神经病学PG - P3.085 VI - 84 IP - 14补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页upplement/P3.085.full所以Neurology2015 4月06;84 AB -目的研究是否与溶栓改善临床结果静脉溶栓栓塞中风病人有自发的血管再通。背景没有随机对照试验报告前血管成像获得的溶栓治疗。栓塞性中风患者的溶栓药物的影响没有明显的血管闭塞在演讲是未知的设计/方法回顾,观察八点多中心研究中心从美国、欧洲和印度。医疗记录的患者呈现在过去五年缺血性中风,没有成像(CTA / MRA)血管闭塞的证据进行了分析。患者分为两组,一个接受溶栓治疗和其他没有。根据大小和位置梗死的磁共振成像,患者被分成两个子组,栓子阻塞与自发的血管再通和腔隙中风。Primary outcome measure was excellent functional outcome defined as modified Rankin Scale < 2 at 3 months. Results Embolic stroke with spontaneous recanalization accounted for a total of 154 patients, 49 in thrombolysis group and 105 in the non thrombolysis group. Logistic regression analysis showed that patients who received thrombolytic therapy had more frequent excellent outcomes with odds ratio of 4.90 (p< 0.01). Symptomatic intra-cerebral hemorrhage was more frequent in thrombolysis group but was not statistically significant (6.1[percnt] vs 1[percnt] p=0.09). Compared to cardioembolic subgroup of NINDS trial and intravenous thrombolysis arm of IMS 3, these patients had better response to thrombolytic therapy. Conclusions This study infers that thrombolysis remarkably improves clinical outcome in patients with embolic stroke who do not have visible arterial occlusion at presentation. A prospective study to validate these results is being planned.Disclosure: Dr. Lahoti has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gokhale has nothing to disclose. Dr. Caplan has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for JAMA Neurology. Dr. Michel has received personal compensation for activities with Servier, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, as a speaker, steering committee member, and/or advisory board member. Dr. Samson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rosso has nothing to disclose. Dr. Limaye has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hinduja has nothing to disclose. Dr. Singhal has received personal compensation for activities as a medicolegal expert witness. Dr. Singhal's spouse holds stock and/or stock options in Biogen Idec. Dr. Ali has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kryscio has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dedhia has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hastak has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liebeskind has received personal compensation for activities with Stryker and Covidien as a consultant. Dr. Pettigrew has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 21 2015, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm