PT -期刊文章盟-吉尔解决非盟-威廉Culpepper AU -米切尔沃林TI -婚姻状况和功能系统分数在多发性硬化症以人群为基础的队列(P5.199) DP - 2015年4月06 TA -神经病学PG - P5.199 VI - 84 IP - 14补充4099 - // 4100 - http:/首页/所以Neurology2015 4月06;84 AB -目标我们之前报道的婚姻与疾病进展放缓多发性硬化症(MS)。这里,我们扩展这些发现,调查的角色功能系统分数从Kurtzke残疾状态量表(DSS)和婚姻状况的关系。背景的婚姻状况与生活质量有关的其他慢性疾病;但是它的作用在疾病进展女士目前未知。DSS功能系统评估锥体,小脑,脑干,感知、肠、膀胱、视觉和精神能力。设计/方法利用基于人群的海湾战争时代女士组(n = 2633),调查是否婚姻状况与疾病进展DSS。研究人口一直在前面描述的和包容所有现役军人,包括激活储备和国民警卫队,曾在8月1日,1990年和1991年12月31日。每种情况下被麦当劳标准裁决明确或可能女士婚姻状况分类在基线和最近的残疾评估根据以下类别:married-no变化,single-no变化,married-to-single或single-to-married。结果随访期间(7.7 M = y),男性是从未结婚达到了DSS 6(甘蔗),7(轮椅)症状出现后的更快比那些在任何时候结婚。 For both sexes, those who became single had worse bowel/bladder functional scores than those who either remained single or who got married. Those who got married had significantly better cerebellar function than those who either remained single or became single. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest a greater relative association between marital status and two of the functional systems. Additionally, marital status appears to play a larger role in MS disease progression for males than females. SUPPORT This work was funded by VA Merit Review (EPID-009-06F) and in part by National MS Society Pilot Grant (PP1368) and the VA MS Centers of Excellence.Disclosure: Dr. Settle has nothing to disclose. Dr. Culpepper has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wallin has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 22 2015, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm