@article {GetchiusS10.006作者={托马斯Getchius和丽贝卡Penfold-Murray和朱莉·考克斯和理查德Dubinsky克里斯托弗·毕弗和加里Gronseth Pushpa Narayanaswami}, title ={做社交媒体提高传播的临床实践指南(CPG) ?体积(S10.006)} ={84} ={14}补充数量,elocation-id = {S10.006} ={2015},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:探讨传统传播的有效性(印刷、电子邮件、网络)和小说传播(社交媒体)CPG意识和意图改变行为由于CPG建议。首页背景:传播和实施论文认定使用社交媒体还没有评估。我们使用了CPG {\ textquotedblleft}补充和替代医学(CAM)在多发性硬化症(MS) {\ textquotedblright}(神经病学2014:82;首页1083)来研究两种传播方法的有效性。方法:研究人群:MS患者和神经学家女士。改变意图讨论凸轮(主要结果,以guideline-aware受访者两组)和知识的指导测量女士对医生和患者的调查,在三个时间点:前一个月后(前)和出版(T,传统传播);小说传播(N)出版三个月后,一个月后的调查。结果:调查收到了:医生:Pre: 144年,T: 157年,护士:138;病人:Pre: 76 T: 79 N: 80。 Traditional dissemination increased awareness in physicians (change: 42[percnt]; 95[percnt] CI: 30-52[percnt]) and patients (10[percnt]; CI: 2-19[percnt]). After novel dissemination, awareness of the CPG remained higher than pre-dissemination (physicians 29[percnt]; CI:17.4-39.4[percnt]; patients 6[percnt]; CI:-0.8- 14.2), awareness dropped insignificantly compared to traditional dissemination (physicians: -13.1[percnt]; CI: -24.4-0.9[percnt]; patients: -3.9[percnt] CI: -13.6-5.6[percnt]).Traditional dissemination increased intent to discuss CAM (physicians: 12.3[percnt]; CI: 2.3-22.1[percnt], patients: 19[percnt]; CI: 3.4-33[percnt]). After novel dissemination, intent returned to baseline in physicians; intent continued to be high in patients (but dropped insignificantly compared to traditional (-8[percnt], CI:-7.5-22.3[percnt]). Knowledge increased in physicians (RD 35[percnt], CI 23.6- 44.6[percnt]) but not in patients (RD 2.3[percnt], CI -8.4-13.4[percnt]). Behavior did not change. CONCLUSIONS: Somewhat surprisingly, traditional and social media dissemination methods were equally successful in increasing awareness of the CPG and changing intent to discuss CAM in both physicians and patients. Whether CPGs change behavior or outcomes requires study. Supported by: AHRQ R18HS022004-01Disclosure: Dr. Getchius has nothing to disclose. Dr. Penfold-Murray has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cox has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dubinsky has received personal compensation for activities with Allergan, Inc. as a speaker. Dr. Bever has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gronseth has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Neurology. Dr. Gronseth has received research support from the American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Narayanaswami has received personal compensation for activities with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Advanced Medical, and Boston Clinical Research Institute.Tuesday, April 21 2015, 1:00 pm-2:45 pm}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/84/14_Supplement/S10.006}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }