% 0期刊文章% Farwa阿里%吉米年轻%一个凯利弗莱明Alejandro Rabinstein % %詹妮弗Fugate % T常规测量肌钙蛋白在急性缺血性中风是不必要的评估(P4.285) % D J神经病学2015% % P P4.285 % V 84% N % X 14补充目的:我们试图确定的频率升高血清肌钙蛋白指示心血管病理在急性缺血性中风。首页背景:在中风文献存在不足表明肌钙蛋白升高代表重要的心血管疾病。设计/方法:我们回顾了连续记录的404年急性缺血性中风患者在一家大型学术机构从2010 - 2012。结果:404例50.1 [percnt]是男性。平均年龄是63岁(SD + / - 15年)。慢性肾脏疾病是出现在79年(19.5 [percnt]),冠状动脉疾病([percnt]) 27日,109年和111年心房纤颤(27.5 [percnt])。188金宝慱官网下载意思是署6 (+ / 6)。中风病因包括大型容器(30.4 [percnt]), cardio-embolism (26 [percnt]),小血管(20.7 [percnt]),和不明原因引起的(21.8 [percnt])。肌钙蛋白测定252例(62.4 [percnt])。单个肌钙蛋白获得了60 (14.8 [percnt]),而连续测量(0)3,6小时可供192 (47.5 [percnt])。肌钙蛋白升高(> 0.01 ng / ml)在13.8 [percnt] (n = 35)患者在所有三个测量。 Of these only 5 (2.6 [percnt]) had a significant uptrend. Four were iatrogenic in the setting of hemodynamic augmentation using vasopressors to maintain cerebral perfusion. One case was attributed to the stroke and chronic kidney disease. None of the remaining elevated troponin levels were thought to be caused by acute myocardial ischemia. Cardiology was consulted in 42 patients (10.4[percnt]). Common indications were patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure (n=11, 26 [percnt]), atrial fibrillation (n=6, 14.2[percnt]), and troponin elevation (n=4, 9.5[percnt]). Cardiac catheterization was undertaken in 9 patients (2.2[percnt]) for PFO closure (n=7), for pre-operative assessment of valvular disease (n=1), and for iatrogenic troponin elevation (n=1); negative for coronary disease. CONCLUSIONS: Troponin elevation in patients with ischemic stroke is not caused by acute myocardial ischemia unless iatrogenic in the setting of vasopressor administration. Serum troponins should be measured based on clinical context rather than routinely in all acute ischemic stroke patients.Disclosure: Dr. Ali has nothing to disclose. Dr. Young has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rabinstein has received royalty payments from Elsevier and Oxford University Press. Dr. Rabinstein has received research support from DJO Global. Dr. Flemming has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fugate has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 22 2015, 7:30 am-12:00 pm %U