TY -的T1 -高血压前期和中风的风险JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1153 LP - 1161 - 10.1首页212 / WNL。0000000000000268六世- 82 - 13非盟-余莉黄盟晓燕Cai盟迎迎李盟-梁苏盟Weiyi麦盟盛王盟Yunzhao胡锦涛AU - Yanxian吴盟Dingli徐Y1 - 2014/04/01 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/13/1153.abstract N2 -目的:在这个分析中,我们试图评估高血压前期和中风的风险之间的联系。首页方法:我们搜索PubMed和EMBASE数据库与数据研究高血压前期和中风。两个独立的评论者评估报告和提取数据。前瞻性研究包括如果他们报道multivariate-adjusted相对风险(RRs)和95%置信区间(CIs)之间的关联中风和高血压前期或其2子范围(低量程吗:120 - 129/80 - 84毫米汞柱;高量程吗:130 - 139/85 - 89毫米汞柱)。我们根据血压范围进行亚组分析,中风类型、端点,年龄,性别,种族,和学习特点。结果:汇集数据包括762393名参与者的结果从19前瞻性群组研究。高血压前期增加中风的风险(RR 1.66;95%可信区间1.51 - -1.81)相比,最优血压(& lt; 120/80毫米汞柱)。在二级结果分析,甚至低量程高血压前期增加中风的风险(RR 1.44;95%可信区间1.27 - -1.63),高量程高血压前期的风险更大(RR 1.95; 95% CI 1.73–2.21). The RR was higher with high-range than with low-range prehypertension (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in any of the subgroup analyses (all p > 0.05).Conclusions: After adjusting for multiple cardiovascular risk factors, prehypertension is associated with stroke morbidity. Although the increased risk is largely driven by high-range prehypertension, the risk is also increased in people with low-range prehypertension.BP=blood pressure; CI=confidence interval; CVD=cardiovascular disease; JNC 7=seventh report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; PAR=population-attributable risk; RR=relative risk; SE=standard error ER -