@article {BreiningP6.226作者={邦尼Breining和特丽莎拉拉Kyrana Tsapkini和Eleni Peristeri和Mar{\ \我}玛卡瑞娜集市{\ ' \我}游泳Cuiti {\ ~ n} o和法昆阴间Argye Hillis}, title ={跨文化有效评估的对象语义(P6.226)},体积={82}={10}补充数量,elocation-id = {P6.226} ={2014},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:探讨跨文化的有效性fifteen-item了解协会的评估对象语义。首页背景:目前,非语言的语义知识测试识别semantic-variant原发性进行性失语(svPPA)对于跨文化的使用是不够的。例如,广泛使用的金字塔和棕榈树测试(PPT)(1992年霍华德\ &帕特森,皮尔森公司)包括项目需要文化特定定义特征的知识,而不是知识。这项研究有助于填补临床缺口。我们之前表现出15个PPT美国个人svPPA有别于其他PPA变异和与前颞叶萎缩。我们测试这个形式{\ textquoteright}年代跨越文化有效性。设计/方法:被52-item PPT在阿根廷43 - 80岁健康对照组(N = 20)、希腊(N = 12)和美国(N = 18)。我们分别取得了15项的繁体汉字和短小精悍的——一个子集的繁体汉字依赖对象{\ textquoteright}定义特征的知识。此外,29日svPPA患者管理形式上确定最准确的切断区分svPPA患者与50个控件使用接收机操作曲线的统计数据。结果:\ < 13分的短小精悍的准确分类100 \ % svPPA与控件(特异性100 \ %; sensitivity 46\%). A score of \<14 had a specificity of 96\% and sensitivity of 73\% (AUC=.898; p\<0.0001). Across sites, controls{\textquoteright} short-form scores were near perfect (mean=14.9, SD=0.45, range=13-15), while full-form scores varied more widely (mean=49.2, SD=2.27, range=44-52). 6/20 Argentinian, 7/12 Greek, and 5/18 American controls scored outside the published normal range (49-52). Control performance was significantly more frequently classified as normal on the short-form (蠅13/15) vs. the full (蠅49/52) (χ2=32.84, p\<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Control participants from Argentina, Greece, and USA performed near ceiling on the short-form PPT, even while scoring outside the published norms on the full-form. This short-form can be used cross-culturally to assess object semantics. It is also faster to administer while accurately identifying svPPA patients. Study Supported by: RO1 DC011317Disclosure: Dr. Breining has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lala has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tsapkini has nothing to disclose. Dr. Peristeri has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mart{\'\i}nez Cuiti{\~n}o has nothing to disclose. Dr. Manes has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hillis has received research support from Allon Pharmaceutical.Thursday, May 1 2014, 7:30 am-11:00 am}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P6.226}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }