TY - T1的颅内出血的病因从2009 - 2012年在梅奥Clinic-Rochester (i2 - 1.008) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP - i2 - 1.008 AU -詹姆斯·克首页洛斯盟雪莉Braksick AU -罗伯特·布朗盟Alejandro Rabinstein AU -珍妮弗Fugate Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/I2-1.008.abstract N2 -目的:评价非创伤性的病因,主要脑出血患者(我)承认在最近四年期间的三级医疗中心。背景:尽管改善高血压治疗,最近的大型人群为基础的研究没有显示我的发生率的变化,但那些我已经转移的人口与老年人口更多的流血。这种变化归因于抗血栓药物的广泛使用和/或淀粉样血管病(AA)。设计/方法:我们进行了一项回顾性的图表总结的所有成年患者承认我们的机构和一个我从2009 - 2012。出血是由于结构性病变被排除在外。人口数据提取包括年龄、高血压史、和使用抗血栓形成的药物。成像研究综述了确定出血位置和任何microhemorrhages的存在和位置。出血病因分类使用预定的算法。结果:从2009年到2012年,292名患者与急性我承认。平均年龄是74岁(范围18 - 101),和52%是男性(n = 151)。 Hemorrhage etiologies were: hypertension, 50.6% (n=148), indeterminate, 29.5% (n=86), and AA, 19.9% (n=58). The majority of patients were on antithrombotic medications (61.3%, n=179). Nearly half of patients (49%) were 蠅75-years old, and the most common etiology in this age group was hypertension (n=77, 53%). There was a non-significant trend towards older age in patients with AA-ICH (median age 77, IQR 70-82) compared to other causes (median age 74, IQR 61-82, p=0.07). The proportion of patients taking anticoagulants was not different between patients with AA-ICH (n=14, 24%) and patients with other causes (n=57, 25%). CONCLUSIONS: The most common etiology of ICH in this large single-center study was hypertension, regardless of age. Our findings did not confirm that ICH in older patients or in patients with AA-induced ICH is due to a higher frequency of anticoagulant use. Study Supported by: NoneDisclosure: Dr. Klaas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Braksick has nothing to disclose. Dr. Brown has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rabinstein has received royalty payments from Elsevier and Oxford. Dr. Rabinstein has received research support from DJO Global. Dr. Fugate has nothing to disclose.Sunday, April 27 2014, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm ER -