RT期刊文章SR电子T1 PIB-Positive宠物——但不是早期患者迟发性的额颞叶痴呆(P6.326)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P6.326 VO 82是10补充A1埃里克·布朗A1 Ariel Graf首页f-Guerrero A1 Sylvain Houle A1艾伦·威尔逊A1 Zahinoor伊斯梅尔A1布鲁斯·波洛克A1 Benoit Mulsant A1大卫Tang-Wai A1尼古拉斯Verhoeff A1莫里斯弗里德曼A1的大猩猩Mizrahi A1蒂芙尼Chow年2014 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P6.326.abstract AB目的:比较加以保留在早、晚发性temporal-variant额颞叶痴呆(tvFTD),阿尔茨海默病(AD)和控制。背景:淀粉指示剂,匹兹堡化合物B(加以标识amyloid-β(Aβ)沉积在AD患者。额颞叶痴呆(FTD)患者通常有早发性痴呆和显示低Aβ沉积。我们假设临床晚发性但不是早发性temporal-variant FTD (tvFTD)会增加Aβ负载老化或颞叶相关漏洞neuropathologic变化。解决这个问题可以澄清未来tvFTD种抗体干预的作用。与加以设计/方法:注射后,在11个参与者的PET扫描tvFTD(6岁前发病65和5晚发型),9与可能的广告,和10个年龄超过60岁的健康对照组。我们从感兴趣的区域提取时间活性曲线和计算标准摄入值比率(SUVR)通过使用小脑参考。层次聚类分析建立我们PIB-positive(加以+)截止。结果:颞叶SUVR tvFTD组显著低于控制。公元7 9,10 1控制和2的11 tvFTD加以+(早发性)。 The PIB+ tvFTD participants did not have significant memory or visuospatial deficits (that would suggest a diagnosis of AD). CONCLUSIONS: Although the early- and late-onset tvFTD did not differ significantly, lower temporal lobe PIB retention in tvFTD patients than controls has not been previously reported. This may relate to partial volume effects on the PIB signal, however our group has shown similar group comparisons irrespective of partial volume correction. Alternatively, the proteinopathy of tvFTD, whether tauopathy or TDP-43-opathy, may protect against Aβ deposition. Future larger studies may reveal whether a significant minority of early-onset FTD patients exhibit amyloid deposition. Study Supported by: NIA grant 1R03AG034413-01A2, CAMH Foundation, Internal support from CAMH, Women of Baycrest (TWC).Disclosure: Dr. Brown has nothing to disclose. Dr. Graff-Guerror has received personal compensation for activities with Abbott as a consultant, and Janssen-Ortho as a speaker. Dr. Graff-Guerrero has received research support from Abbott. Dr. Houle has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wilson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ismail has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pollock has received personal compensation for activities with Lundbeck, and Forest Laboratories Inc., and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Mulsant has received research support from Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Pfizer Inc. Dr. Tang-Wai has nothing to disclose. Dr. Verhoeff has nothing to disclose. Dr. Freedman stands to receive royalty payments for a patent regarding Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Freedman has received research support from Lundbeck Research USA, Inc. Dr. Mizrahi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Chow has nothing to disclose.Thursday, May 1 2014, 7:30 am-11:00 am