% 0期刊文章%一个安吉洛Antonini %冯国经%詹姆斯·博伊德%约翰·斯莱文% Coleen大厅%一个约旦Dubow % Krai Chatamra %珍妮Benesh % T麻烦运动障碍的变化及其与剂量的关系在先进的帕金森症患者Levodopa-Carbidopa肠凝胶注入(P7.071) % D J神经病学2014% % P P7.071 % V 82% N 10补充% X目的:评估的影响Levodopa-Carbidopa肠凝胶(LCIG)治疗麻烦运动障碍(TSD),以及检查之间的关系的变化及时保洁和剂量的变化,在先进的帕金森病(PD)患者。首页背景:LCIG交付不断通过intrajejunal经皮胃造口术管。在一个双盲,double-dummy研究中,患者接受LCIG注入+安慰剂胶囊,或封装LC-Oral平板电脑+安慰剂凝胶注入了12周。54-week,开放研究,患者都收到LCIG输液。设计/方法:统计分析因果。变化及时保洁和准时没有TSD中分析了在子组与基线准时TSD蠅根据日记评估1小时/天。之间的关系改变每日总剂量左旋多巴和准时的TSD中进行了分析。结果:患者LCIG TSD子群的双盲研究队列(N = 10)报道显著递减(平均(SD))准时的TSD中基线(3.13[1.65])最后,改变= -1.76 [1.83],P = 0.014。这是伴随着准时的增加没有TSD从基线(7.35[2.15])决赛,改变= 4.43 [3.64],P = 0.004。开放研究(N = 139), LCIG治疗导致显著减少从基线到最后准时在TSD中(基线= 3.37(1.81),改变= -1.83 (2.92),P < 0.001)和扩展的准时不TSD中(基线= 6.84(2.44),改变= 5.31 (3.88),P < 0.001)。 An increase in LCIG dose was not significantly correlated with an increase in ON-time with TSD in either study (double-blind: R= -0.073, P= 0.842; open-label: R= -0.001, P= 0.992). Overall, adverse events were common, mild to moderate, and many related to the GI procedure. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with TSD, LCIG produced clinically significant improvements by reducing ON-time with TSD and increasing ON-time without TSD. While most patients increased LCIG dose during the study, there was no correlation with increased ON-time with TSD. These results support the effectiveness of LCIG in reducing TSD in advanced PD. Study Supported by: AbbVieDisclosure: Dr. Antonini has received personal compensation for activities with AbbVie. Dr. Fung has received personal compensation for activities with Abbvie as a member of scientific advisory boards. Dr. Fung has received research support from AbbVie. Dr. Boyd has received personal compensation for activities with AbbVie Inc. Dr. Slevin has received personal compensation for activities with Teva Neuroscience and AbbVie, Inc. Dr. Slevin has received research support from Abbott Laboratories, BioTie, and Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Hall has received personal compensation for activities with AbbVie as an employee. Dr. Hall holds stock and/or stock options in AbbVie. Dr. Dubow has received personal compensation for activities with AbbVie and Novartis as an employee. Dr. Dubow holds stock and/or stock options in AbbVie. Dr. Chatamra has received personal compensation for activities with AbbVie as an employee. Dr. Chatamra holds stock and/or stock options in AbbVie. Dr. Banesh has received personal compensation for activities with AbbVie as an employee. Dr. Banesh holds stock and/or stock options in AbbVie.Thursday, May 1 2014, 3:00 pm-6:30 pm %U