TY - T1的发烧和瞬态神经恶化在脑出血(P5.147) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP - P5.147盟马修马斯河盟——迈克尔·伯曼盟——詹姆斯·古思盟-埃里克·利奥首页塔盟Shyam普拉巴卡兰AU -安德鲁Naidech Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P5.147.abstract N2 -目的:我们试图确定一个时间联系发烧和脑出血患者的神经功能恶化(我)。背景:发烧常常被视作造成急性脑损伤患者神经功能恶化接受ICU neuromonitoring,尽管这种现象还没有系统的研究。区分神经变化由于瞬态医学进步的脑损伤并发症有效的监测至关重要。设计/方法:我们选取情况下自发的我在前瞻性研究。与重症监护室患者管理协议,包括每小时neurochecks利用格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)。我们确定的所有实例GCS电动机得分和总分恶化发烧状态每小时监控。我们定义了一个瞬态变化,恶化规范化3小时内基线。结果:我们研究了13025从132例就诊时间的监控。道达尔和“运动”的得分GCS恶化是在比无热的发热时间更频繁(2.4% vs 1.7% p = 0.19总GCS和1.4% vs 0.7%“电机”的得分p = 0.04)。只有GCS总量的21%和0%的“汽车”的得分恶化事件发生在发烧被证明是短暂的。 Conclusions: Neurologic worsening is more frequent in the context of fever, especially deterioration of motor function, although the vast majority of those neurologic deteriorations are not transient. Study supported by NIH grant L30NS080176 (Dr. Maas).Disclosure: Dr. Maas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Berman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Guth has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liotta has nothing to disclose. Dr. Prabhakaran has received personal compensation for activities with American Heart Association. Dr. Naidech has received research support from Gaymar Inc.Wednesday, April 30 2014, 3:00 pm-6:30 pm ER -