TY - T1的全球和区域大脑内部的浓度和细胞外钠女士:7特斯拉MRI研究(P6.132) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP - P6.132盟Lazar Fleysher盟罗克珊娜Teodorescu AU -玛丽亚Petracca AU 首页-劳拉Jonkman AU -尼尔斯Oesingmann AU -约瑟夫·赫伯特盟马蒂尔德Inglese Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P6.132.abstract N2 -目的:1)测量细胞内和细胞外钠浓度(ISC和ESC)医学患者使用MRI在7 t钠;2)调查总钠浓度之间的关联(TSC), ISC和ESC和损伤和脑容量;3)评估ISC的临床意义和ESC。背景:TSC获得使用单个量子测量钠MRI在MS患者的评估是有用的。然而,它不允许歧视ESC和ISC之间可能反映了延迟轴突损伤设计/方法:女士24例(14 f;平均年龄:43.5±12.2岁;eds中位数:2.0)和24个健康ctrl (14 f;平均年龄:41.6±11.8岁)进行了钠MRI 7点在3 t t和质子核磁共振。7 t磁共振成像协议包含修改后的GRE序列与一个新的12步相位循环TQF方案。3 t磁共振成像协议包括DE-TSE和3 d T1W-MPRAGE。TSC (mM), ISC (mmol/L) and ESC maps were calculated and tissue concentration were measured with a histogram analysis over the entire gray and white matter (GM, WM) and with a regional voxel-based approach using SPM8. Between groups comparison was performed with an ANCOVA test controlling for age, gender and intra-cranial volume RESULTS: Compared to CTRLs MS patients showed higher global GM, WM TSC and WM ISC, GM and WM ESC ( p<0.05). GM ISC was higher in patients than controls in the following regions: right (R) and left (L) thalamus, R superior temporal gyrus, forceps major and minor, L and R anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), R inferior longitudinal fasciculs (ILF) and R uncinate fasciculus (UF) while ESC resulted higher in all the above mentioned tracts. TSC in R UF correlated with brain volume (p<0.05); ISC in the L thalamus correlated with the T2LV (p<0.05) and ESC in the ATR and ILF was associated with EDSS (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Brain ISC and ESC abnormalities are widespread in MS patients; while both metrics are moderately associated with lesion volume, only ESC correlates with EDSSDisclosure: Dr. Fleysher has nothing to disclose. Dr. Teodorescu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Petracca has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jonkman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Oesingmann has nothing to disclose. Dr. Herbert has received personal compensation for activities with Biogen Idec, Teva Neuroscience, Serono Inc., and Bayer Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dr. Herbert has received research support from Teva Neuroscience, Novartis, Biogen Idec, BioMS, and INC Research. Dr. Inglese has received research support from Novartis Pharmaceuticals.Thursday, May 1 2014, 7:30 am-11:00 am ER -