@article {LevineS62.002作者={史蒂文·莱文和佐伊Arvanitakis罗宾Brey雅各兰特和朱莉·施耐德Lei Yu和苏Leurgans班纳特和大卫},title = {Antiphospholipid抗体,脑梗塞,老化和认知和运动下降(ABICMA):脑梗塞的最终结果从一个以社区为基础的,纵向,Clinical-Pathological研究(S62.002)},体积={82}={10}补充数量,elocation-id = {S62.002} ={2014},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:在持续Antiphospholipid抗体,脑梗塞,老化的研究和认知和运动下降(Arvanitakis Z, et al:神经2013)我们测试的假设aPL与脑梗塞的风险增加相关联(BI)尸检和认知和运动减少老化有关。首页我们提出脑梗死的最终结果。背景:Antiphospholipid抗体积极性(aPL +)与临床有关缺血性中风。设计/方法:基线和随访存储血液化验aPL (anticardiolipin抗体(aCL),狼疮抗凝,antiphosphatidylserine抗体,抗体和anti-β2-glycoprotein 1]从2纵向临床病理群组研究基于拉什大学(拉什记忆和衰老项目(MAP)和宗教秩序研究(ROS)]。标准化的神经病理协议评估BI(宏观/微观、皮质、皮质下)盲aPL的地位。我们有80 \ %功率检测的优势比(或)2。aPL +被定义为积极的任何一个4 aPL化验。多个逻辑回归进行独立的aPL +对BI的影响。结果:aPL化验在基线(n = 572,意味着82 {\ textpm} 7岁。,30 \ %男,97 \ %白种人)~ 7岁。之前死亡。 BI occurred in 279/572 (49\%): macroscopic (37\%: cortical 15\%, subcortical 28\%) and microscopic in 29\%. Controlling for age and sex, aPL+ at baseline (OR 1.14, 95\%CI 0.77,1.70, p = 0.50) or proximal to death (OR 0.98, (95\%CI 0.65,1.48, p = 0.92) was not associated with BI. Neither macro- nor microscopic infarcts were associated with aPL+. Persistence (n= 426) of aPL+ was not associated with BI when aPL+ was defined as either any persistent aPL+ assay (OR 0.89, 95\%CI 0.56, 1.41, p = 0.62) as the same aPL+ isotype (OR 0.90, 95\%CI 0.55, 1.45, p = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS: Overall aPL+ at baseline, proximal to death, or persistent aPL+ are not independent risk factors for BI in the elderly. Study Supported by: NIH grants R01HL96944, R01AG040039, P30AG10161, R01AG15819, R01AG17917, R01 AG24480Disclosure: Dr. Levine has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for MedLink. Dr. Levine has received royalty payments as editor of a book. Dr. Arvanitakis has received personal compensation for activities with Vista Health. Dr. Arvanitakis has received research support from Ceregene, Inc. Dr. Brey has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Neurology Now. Dr. Rand has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schneider has received personal compensation for activities with AVID Radiopharmaceuticals, Inc., and GE Healthcare. Dr. Yu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Leurgans has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bennett has received personal compensation for activities with Danone Inc., Dr. Wilmar Schwabe GmbH \& Co., KG Pharmaceuticals, and Eli Lilly \& Company. Dr. Bennett has received research support from Danone, Inc.Thursday, May 1 2014, 3:15 pm-5:00 pm}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/S62.002}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }