PT -期刊文章盟埃菲Mitsis盟里吉奥-西尔瓦娜AU -艾米丽维非盟主席马丁·戈尔茨坦盟史蒂文DeKosky盟德尔曼布拉德利-托马斯Naidich盟盟- Josef Machac AU -拉尔Kostakoglu AU -格里高利长老盟-玛丽左盟-塞缪尔•甘迪盟-韦恩·戈登TI - Florbetapir扫描不包括阿尔茨海默病与延迟退休NFL球员认知障碍(P6.323) DP - 2014 Apr 08年TA -神经病学PG - P6.323 VI - 82 IP - 10补充4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2014 Apr 08年;首页82 AB -目的:我们试图确定[18 f] Florbetapir PET成像在NFL球员老龄化澄清诊断与认知能力下降。背景:单一严重创伤性脑损伤(TBI)被认为是阿尔茨海默病(AD)的风险增加,而慢性重复性的创伤性脑损伤的拳击手被认为增加tangle-only疾病的风险,或tauopathy,称为员痴呆(DP)。DP-like病理学已观察到退休NFL球员和退伍军人暴露在爆炸中术语慢性创伤性脑病(CTE)。AD的临床区别于其他的原因我们称之为“延迟创伤后认知障碍(DPTCI)”是具有挑战性的,但准确的诊断是需要避免在试验包括无脑淀粉样变性者Aβ-reducing代理。设计/方法:一位退休的NFL球员是进行性认知障碍的评估。在他10年的职业生涯中在1960年代- 1970年代,病人报告经历多个脑震荡。由十二个小时赛后,他有时无法名字哪个队他刚刚打了。神经心理测试显示受损的信息处理速度、语言理解能力受损,受损的直接和延迟回忆但智力功能和学习能力保留。一个NFL神经护理项目团队——由一个神经学家,neurologist-psychiatrist,神经心理学家,两个神经放射,评估病人。结果:所有评估者同意的诊断可能DPTCI,但他们无法达成一致可能包含的广告。 Two independent neuropsychologists from the ADRC reviewed the test results and supported the inclusion of possible AD, although the primary examining team (with the exception of one of the neurologists) opposed the inclusion of possible AD. Florbetapir scanning excluded cerebral amyloidosis -- thereby excluding AD -- and the patient was given a diagnosis of DPTCI without amyloidosis with possible CTE. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates the potential for brain amyloid imaging to prevent the inappropriate inclusion of non-AD patients (including those with a history of TBI) in trials of Aβ-reducing agents.Disclosure: Dr. Mitsis has nothing to disclose. Dr. Riggio has nothing to disclose. Dr. D'Antonio has nothing to disclose. Dr. Goldstein has nothing to disclose. Dr. DeKosky has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for UpToDate. Dr. Naidich has nothing to disclose. Dr. Delman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Machac has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kostakoglu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Elder has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sano has received personal compensation for activities with Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bayer Pharmaceutical Corp., Forest Laboratories Inc., GlaxoSmithKline Inc., Janssen, Medication, Bristol-Myer Squibb Co., OrthoMcNeil, and Takeda. Dr. Gandy has received personal compensation for activities with Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer Inc, Alzheimer Immunotherapy Alliance, Diagenic, Amicus, and Baxter. Dr. Gordon has nothing to disclose.Thursday, May 1 2014, 7:30 am-11:00 am