TY -的T1 -长期中风复发患者基底动脉闭塞。乔(P1.153) JF -首页神经-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP塔米卡Burrus P1.153 AU -迈克尔·拉夫盟盟——亚历杭德罗Rabinstein Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P1.153.abstract N2 -目的:长期中风复发患者基底动脉闭塞。背景:基底动脉闭塞(包)通常会导致死亡或严重残疾时。然而,长期的结果(即大于90天)幸存者研究要少得多。我们试图确定和描述包的中风幸存者的复发。设计/方法:连续病例的回顾性研究1973年和2008年之间的包在梅奥诊所接受治疗,罗彻斯特。发生的TIA、中风和脑内出血(我)收集整个长度可用的跟进。结果:我们发现71例急性包。25(35.2%)首次住院期间死亡。平均夫人出院整个队列和2.8是3.9的46名存活出院的病人。 Eight patients (17.3%) were lost to follow up. Of the 38 patients (82.6%) who had follow up, 34 (89.4%) lived > 90 days. Mean patient follow up was 43 months (STD 57.9). Twelve patients (31.5%) had a total of 16 recurrent cerebrovascular events defined as TIA (5), ischemic stroke (9), or ICH (2). Posterior circulation territory was involved in all cases (8/8) with documented localization of the recurrent infarction. CONCLUSIONS: The long-term rate of recurrent cerebrovascular events in our cohort of patients with BAO was 31.5%, with ischemic stroke involving the posterior circulation being the most common. Study Supported by:Disclosure: Dr. Ruff has nothing to disclose. Dr. Burrus has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rabinstein has received royalty payments from Elsevier and Oxford. Dr. Rabinstein has received research support from DJO Global.Monday, April 28 2014, 3:00 pm-6:30 pm ER -