TY - T1的色觉障碍与疾病严重程度在多发性硬化(P2.263) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP - P2.263盟Elena Martinez-Lapiscina AU -圣地亚哥Ortiz-P首页erez AU -埃琳娜·弗拉加盟Eloy Martinez-Heras AU -尼Gabilondo AU -莎拉Llufriu AU -圣地亚哥Bullich AU - Marc Figueras-Roca AU -阿尔伯特Saiz盟Bernardo Sanchez-Dalmau AU -巴勃罗Villoslada Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P2.263.abstract N2 -目的:探讨关联non-ON色觉障碍和多发性硬化症(MS)的严重程度。背景:颜色视觉评估与损害整体的视觉通路和可能的脑损伤的方法:女士10月我们进行神经眼科检查和核磁共振分析,在108 MS患者,在基线和随访1年后。颜色视觉被哈代评估,兰特和Rittler板块。色觉障碍定义如果颜色视觉受损的眼睛,除了参与者与视神经炎(上),为谁只被认为是影响眼睛。我们使用一般线性模型调整性别、年龄、病程和治疗女士比较疾病严重程度和轴突损伤标记没有色觉障碍的实验对象中。结果:发现受损non-ON颜色视觉的眼睛在21 108名患者的基线。患者在基线,色觉障碍的所有得分较低(调整后的区别:-0.25,95%置信区间ci: -0.48 - -0.02; p = 0.035)和BRB-N执行功能评分(调整后的区别:-0.55,95%置信区间ci: -1.00 - -0.10; p = 0.016)比参与者与正常色觉。此外,这些患者薄RNFL(调整后的区别:-8.72,95%置信区间ci: -14.39 - -3.06; p = 0.003),黄斑体积较小(调整后的区别:-0.21,95%置信区间ci: -0.39 - -0.03; p = 0.025);归一化脑容量(调整后的区别:-52.92,95%置信区间ci: -92.51 - -13.33; p = 0.009)和规范化的灰质体积(NGMV)[调整的区别:-22.92,95% ci: -47.59 + 1.74; p = 0.069)。1年随访后,参与者与事件色觉障碍更大增加eds得分(adjusted-difference: 0.52 - 95%置信区间:0.21 - 0.81;p = 0.001)和更大的减少NGMV [adjusted-difference: 19.38 - 95%置信区间:5.57 - 33.19;p = 0.006)比正常色觉。 We evaluated the predictive value of incident dyschromatopsia and changes in markers of axonal loss on EDSS progression using standardized B coefficients of multivariate regression models. They were B=0.257 for incident dyschromatopsia and B=0.253 for NGMV change. Conclusions: Color vision impairment is associated with greater MS severity and may be a marker of future disability. Supported by ISCIII, Spain (FIS PS09/0025; RETICS RD07/0060/01), and Roche (RPF-ID046)Disclosure: Dr. Hernandez Martinez has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis, Biogen Idec, Teva Neuroscience, and Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp. Dr. Ortiz has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis as a consultant. Dr. Fraga has nothing to disclose. Dr. Martínez-Heras has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gabilondo has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis. Dr. Llufriu Duran has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis, Biogen Idec, and Teva Neuroscience as a consultant. Dr. Bullich has nothing to disclose. Dr. Figueras-Roca has received personal compensation for activities with Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Bausch & Lomb. Dr. Saiz has received personal compensation for activities with Bayer Schering, Merck Serono, Biogen Idec, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., Teva Neuroscience, and Novartis. Dr. Sanchez-Dalmau has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis. Dr. Villoslada has received personal compensation for activities with Roche Diagnostics Corp., Novartis, MedImmune, TFS, Heidelberg Engineering, Digna Biotech, and Neurotec Farma as a consultant, and with Novartis and Merck Serono as a founder. Dr. Villoslada holds stock and/or stock options in Bionure Farma SL which sponsored research in which Dr. Villoslada was involved as an investigator. Dr. Villoslada has received research support from Novartis, Roche Diagnostics Corp., and Genzyme Corp.Tuesday, April 29 2014, 7:30 am-11:00 am ER -