TY -的T1 -电阻抗Myography舌头肌肉组织评估在肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症。乔(P4.103) JF -首页神经-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP - P4.103盟西沃德Rutkove AU -神采Shellikeri盟雅娜·于非盟-乔丹绿盟Lorne Zinman Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/P4.103.abstract N2 -目的:(1)比较的舌头电阻抗myography (EIM) 50千赫相位值肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化(ALS)患者与健康对照组的;(2)将这些值与球函数的措施。背景:大多数人被诊断出患有肌萎缩性侧索硬化症表现出球损伤发病的疾病或疾病进展。考虑诊断ALS的挑战,这是高度敏感的疾病发生和发展的重要的临床重要性、协助早期诊断和延髓的健康作为生物标志物的临床试验。EIM提供定量数据的最近开发的技术对肌肉的健康通过测量局部组织阻抗。EIM已被评估为生物标志物的肌肉异常在ALS肢体肌肉组织,显示减少阶段随着疾病的发展。然而,EIM舌头ALS患者没有被研究过。设计/方法:19个学科与ALS和16个健康的年龄组的参与。所有参与者与ALS球损伤的迹象(如舌自发性收缩,萎缩,无力)。 EIM of tongue was performed using a novel tongue depressor electrode array. Severity of disease (e.g., ALS Functional Rating Scale-R, bulbar subscore, speaking rate during a reading task) and tongue function (maximum strength and endurance) were correlated with EIM values. RESULTS:Independent-samples t-tests revealed significantly smaller phase values (p < 0.001) (mean±standard deviation) for ALS participants (10.7±3.7°) than for controls (16.4±1.8°). Correlations between EIM values and most measures of bulbar function were non-significant; however, a correlation between phase and tongue endurance was identified in participants with ALS (r = 0.48, p=0.045). CONCLUSIONS:EIM of the tongue can distinguish patients with ALS from healthy controls and correlates with one measure of tongue function. Further refinement, validation and study of this biomarker for the evaluation of bulbar dysfunction are warranted.Disclosure: Dr. Rutkove has received personal compensation for activities with Skulpt, Inc. as a consultant. Dr. Rutkove has received royalty payments from UpToDate, and Springer, Inc. Dr. Rutkove has received compensation for serving on the board of directors of Skulpt, Inc. Dr. Rutkove holds stock and/or stock options in Skulpt, Inc. Dr. Shellikeri has nothing to disclose. Dr. Yunusova has nothing to disclose. Dr. Green has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zinman has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 30 2014, 7:30 am-11:00 am ER -