RT期刊文章SR电子T1 CT灌注变量在4.5小时内中风:有关生理发病以来,乔(S35.007)摩根富林明神经病学神经病学FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP S35.007 VO 82是10补充A1传承Agarwal A1 Tomasz平易近人的A1年代首页Tulasi Marrapu A1詹妮弗·米切尔A1 P Simon Jones A1特里男爵A1伊丽莎白·沃伯顿年2014 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/S35.007.abstract AB客观时间中风发病的一个关键因素在决定资格和受益于溶栓药物治疗仍未确定在中风病人的四分之一。符合缺血半影的病理生理概念作为急性中风的治疗目标,我们假设半影有递减的关系随着时间的许可为溶栓时间窗内(即。,4.5小时)。的目的是确定代理标记年龄对急性生理成像病变。连续方法研究了八十九名患者的意思(SD) 71.9(13.9)岁,在一个平均(SD)的时间间隔是132.6(55.5)分钟见证了中风发病与整个头部CT灌注成像(CTp)。反褶积的基础地图脑血流量(CBF)、脑血容量cb v()都未和平均渡越时间(MTT)创建的。半影分数[半影/(半影+核心)]A, B和C得到使用三个以前分布量化阈值进行验证。此外,视觉评估方面得分,得分越低,表明更大的病变,是应用于地图。方面得分比例对应三个半影分数计算和检查时间,量化分数显著相关。结果半影分数A和C,有强烈的趋势对于中风发病以来的下降,即。与我们的假设一致(分数:斯皮尔曼的ρ= -0.163,p = 0.078;分数C:斯皮尔曼的ρ= -0.175,p = 0.064)。 ASPECTS ratio C i.e. [CBF ASPECTS/[CBF ASPECTS +CBV ASPECTS)] correlated with the corresponding quantitative fraction (Spearman’s rho= -0.267, p=0.020). ASPECTS ratio also related to time (Spearman’s rho=0.236, p=0.028) supporting the inverse relationship in our hypothesis. Conclusions A decremental relationship between penumbra and time since onset appears to be one physiological mechanism underlying decreasing benefit of thrombolysis with time within 4.5 hours. This may be used to inform treatment in the clinical setting of strokes of unknown onset time, particularly using a simple visual assessment of CTp maps.Disclosure: Dr. Agarwal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Matys has nothing to disclose. Dr. Marrapu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mitchell has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jones has nothing to disclose. Dr. Baron has nothing to disclose. Dr. Warburton has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 30 2014, 4:00 pm-5:45 pm