TY - T1的记录分析分析阿尔茨海默氏症的大脑。乔(S28.005) JF -首页神经-神经学六世- 82 - 10补充SP - S28.005盟Mariet艾伦AU -丹尼尔联赛AU -迈克尔·沃尔什盟-孙知府AU - Saurabh Baheti盟Fanggeng邹盟生茶高盟-柯蒂斯Younkin盟茱莉亚骗子非盟-弗农Pankratz说道盟密涅瓦Carrasquillo AU -亚莎Nair盟苏米特Middha AU - Sooraj Maharjan盟Thuy阮AU -马李盟金伯利Malphrus盟——莎拉·林肯盟吉娜Bisceglio盟Jen -克里斯托弗·科尔伯特盟金盟-罗纳德·彼得森AU -尼尔Graff-Radford AU -丹尼斯·迪克森盟-史蒂文Younkin盟燕Asmann盟Nilufer tan Y1 - 2014/04/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/82/10_Supplement/S28.005.abstract N2 -目的:使用现有的微阵列数据,以确定基因差异表达的广告与non-AD大脑。背景:尽管最近的成功加载GWAS研究中,大部分的遗传负荷仍然无法解释。我们假设评估大脑基因表达提供了一个额外的途径识别小说负载基因和通路可能是潜在的药物靶点。我们之前进行了基因表达GWAS的mRNA水平评估~ 24000记录在两个脑区(颞叶皮层和小脑)200 ~ 200年的广告主题和~主题与其他疾病我们现在进行记录分析分析比较广告和non-AD科目之间的基因表达水平在这两个大脑区域和途径进行分析这些数据。此外,我们正在收集全基因组CpG甲基化数据(methylome)的一个子集这些主题为未来的评估。设计/方法:基因表达水平的Illumina公司HT-12 V4 BeadChip数组使用全基因组表达DASL HT化验和适当的数据质量控制实施。记录分析使用线性回归分析进行了R与适当的协变量。基因通路分析分别使用两个大脑区域MetaCore执行。结果:QC ~ 17000后基因表达强劲措施发现在每一个大脑区域。 Transcript profiling analysis identified 743 targets in the cerebellum and 2839 targets in the temporal cortex (un-corrected p-value <0.01) that were selected for pathway analysis. In the temporal cortex several significant pathways and GO Processes were identified including but not limited to oxidative phosphorylation and lipid metabolism. CONCLUSIONS: Transcript profiling and pathway analysis of brain gene expression data has identified several interesting targets for further exploration of molecular pathways involved in AD. The addition of methylome data will further enhance our understanding of the role of gene expression and control in this disease. Study Supported by: R01 AG032990, P50 AG016574, Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine Epigenomics Grant.Disclosure: Dr. Allen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Serie has nothing to disclose. Dr. Walsh has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zhifu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Baheti has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zou has nothing to disclose. Dr. Chai has nothing to disclose. Dr. Younkin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Crook has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pankratz has received research support from Abbott Laboratories, Inc. Dr. Carrasquillo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nair has nothing to disclose. Dr. Middha has nothing to disclose. Dr. Maharjan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nguyen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ma has nothing to disclose. Dr. Malphrus has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lincoln has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bisceglio has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kolbert has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Petersen has received personal compensation for activities with Pfizer, Inc., and Janssen Alzheimer's Immunotherapy. Dr. Petersen has received royalty payments from Oxford University Press. Dr. Graff-Radford has received personal compensation for activities with Codman as a member of a scientific advisory board. Dr. Graff-Radford has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for The Neurologist. Dr. Graff-Radford has received research support from Janssen, Pfizer Inc., Medivation, Forest Laboratories Inc., and Allon. Dr. Dickson has received personal compensation for activities with Neotope, Inc. as a consultant. Dr. Younkin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Asmann has nothing to disclose. Dr. Taner has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 30 2014, 2:00 pm-3:45 pm ER -