TY - T1的抑郁症状和白质功能障碍与脑震荡退休NFL球员历史摩根富林明——神经学乔-神经病学SP - 25 LP - 32 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e318299ccf8六世- 81 - 1 AU -杰里米应变盟Nyaz Didehbani AU - c·芒罗拉姆盟Sethesh Mansinghani AU -希瑟·科诺菲尔盟- Michael a .德国人盟-约翰·哈特,小非盟-凯尔b沃玛克Y1 - 2013/07/02 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/81/1/25.abstract N2 -目的:确定相关的白质完整性可以提供通用以及特定的洞首页察头部受伤加上抑郁症状的慢性效应表现在职业足球运动员。方法:我们研究了26个退休的国家足球联盟(NFL)运动员进行弥散张量成像(DTI)扫描。抑郁症状严重程度测量采用贝克抑郁量表二世(BDI-II)包括情感、认知和躯体次级因素得分模型)(巴克利。分数各向异性(FA)地图处理使用tract-based空间目前的统计数据。足总之间的相关性和BDI-II分数评估使用voxel-wise和感兴趣的区域(ROI)技术,与白质束的ROI。大片证明显著的相关性进一步评估使用接受者操作特征曲线,利用均值FA区分抑郁和不消沉。Results: Voxel-wise analysis identified widely distributed voxels that negatively correlated with total BDI-II and cognitive and somatic subfactors, with voxels correlating with the affective component (p < 0.05 corrected) localized to frontal regions. Four tract ROIs negatively correlated (p < 0.01) with total BDI-II: forceps minor, right frontal aslant tract, right uncinate fasciculus, and left superior longitudinal fasciculus. FA of the forceps minor differentiated depressed from nondepressed athletes with 100% sensitivity and 95% specificity.Conclusion: Depressive symptoms in retired NFL athletes correlate negatively with FA using either an unbiased voxel-wise or an ROI-based, tract-wise approach. DTI is a promising biomarker for depression in this population.BDI-II=Beck Depression Inventory II; CI=confidence interval; CTE=chronic traumatic encephalopathy; DSM-IV-TR=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision; DTI=diffusion tensor imaging; FA=fractional anisotropy; FLAIR=fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; NFL=National Football League; ROC=receiver operating characteristic; ROI=region of interest; TBI=traumatic brain injury; TBSS=tract-based spatial statistics ER -