RT期刊文章SR电子T1 Levetiracetam怀孕摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威首页尔金斯SP 400 405 10.1212 / WNL OP。0 b013e31827f0874 VO 80是4 A1艾伦就任A1约翰·克雷格A1吉姆明天A1艾琳罗素A1 W。亨利·史密森A1琳达帕森斯A1帕特里克·j·莫里森A1 Brenda Liggan A1贝丝欧文A1诺曼Delanty A1斯蒂芬·j·亨特年2013 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/4/400.abstract AB目的:Levetirace首页tam是一种广谱抗癫痫药物(AED)目前授权在美国和英国和爱尔兰作为辅助治疗focal-onset发作,肌阵挛性发作或全身性tonic-clonic发作,发生全身性癫痫综合征的一部分。在英国和爱尔兰,也许可作为单一疗法治疗focal-onset发作。以前的小型研究表明低风险为主要先天畸形(MCM) levetiracetam在怀孕期间使用。方法:英国和爱尔兰妊娠癫痫和寄存器是前瞻性观察登记和后续研究设置来确定相对安全的所有aed怀孕。这里我们报告我们的组合结果对于妊娠前三个月的接触levetiracetam从2000年10月到2011年8月。结果:结果数据来自671名怀孕。其中,304被暴露于levetiracetam单一疗法,和367年被暴露于levetiracetam与至少一个其他AED。有2 MCM单一疗法组(0.70%;95%可信区间(CI) polytherapy集团(-2.51%)和19 0.19% 6.47%;4.31% - -9.60%)。 The MCM rate in the polytherapy group varied by AED regimen, with lower rates when levetiracetam was given with lamotrigine (1.77%; 95% CI 0.49%–6.22%) than when given with valproate (6.90%; 95% CI 1.91%–21.96%) or carbamazepine (9.38%; 95% CI 4.37%–18.98%).Conclusion: This study, in a meaningful number of exposed pregnancies, confirms a low risk for MCM with levetiracetam monotherapy use in pregnancy. MCM risk is higher when levetiracetam is taken as part of a polytherapy regimen, although further work is required to determine the risks of particular combinations. With respect to MCM, levetiracetam taken in monotherapy can be considered a safer alternative to valproate for women with epilepsy of childbearing age.AED=antiepileptic drug; CI=confidence interval; MCM=major congenital malformations; WWE=women with epilepsy