TY - T1的脑损伤的位置预测临床孤立综合征转换成多发性硬化症JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 234 LP - 241 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31827debeb六世盟- 80 - 3 -安东尼奥Giorgio AU -马可Battaglini盟玛丽亚Assunta罗卡AU -亚历山德罗·德·Leucio盟玛蒂娜Absinta AU -罗纳德·范·Schijndel盟亚历克斯·罗维拉盟- Mar Tintore盟Declan甜菜AU -奥尔加Ciccarelli AU -基督教Enzinger盟克劳迪奥·Gasperini盟Jette Frederiksen AU -马西莫菲利皮主持盟弗雷德里克Barkhof AU -尼古拉·德·斯特凡诺盟代表MAGNIMS研究小组Y1 - 2013/01/15 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/3/234.abstract N2 -目的:评估在一个人口众多的患者临床孤立综合征(CIS)大脑病变位置和频率的相关性预测1转换为多发性硬化症(MS)。首页方法:多中心回顾性研究,临床和MRI数据收集在发病和临床随访1年1165 CIS患者。在t2加权磁共振成像,我们生成的白质病变的概率地图(WM)病变位置和频率。Voxelwise分析非参数permutation-based方法(p & lt;0.05,cluster-corrected)。结果:患者在独联体的半球,多病灶的发病和脑干/小脑损伤概率地图集群被认为在临床上雄辩的大脑区域。显著病变集群没有发现CIS患者视神经和脊髓发作。在1年,临床明确的女士在26%的病人。转换组,尽管大基线病变负载与nonconverting组(7±8.1立方厘米vs 4.6±6.7立方厘米,p & lt;0.001),显示更少的广泛病变分布(18% vs 25%的脑压被病变)。 High lesion frequency was found in the converting group in projection, association, and commissural WM tracts, with larger clusters being in the corpus callosum, corona radiata, and cingulum.Conclusions: Higher frequency of lesion occurrence in clinically eloquent WM tracts can characterize CIS subjects with different types of onset. The involvement of specific WM tracts, in particular those traversed by fibers involved in motor function and near the corpus callosum, seems to be associated with a higher risk of clinical conversion to MS in the short term.ATR=anterior thalamic radiation; CC=corpus callosum; CDMS=clinically definite multiple sclerosis; CIS=clinically isolated syndrome; CR=corona radiata; FLIRT=FMRIB’s linear image registration tool; FMRIB=Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain; FSL=FMRIB Software Library; LPM=lesion probability map; LPMi=lesion probability map index; LV=lesion volume; MAGNIMS=Magnetic Resonance in Multiple Sclerosis; MNI=Montreal Neurological Institute; MS=multiple sclerosis; PD=proton density; SLF=superior longitudinal fascicle; T1-W=T1-weighted; T2-W=T2-weighted; WM=white matter ER -