% 0期刊文章%一个塞巴斯蒂安·罗德里戈弗朗辛Chassoux % %一个伊丽莎白Landre查尔斯Mellerio % %一个凯瑟琳Miquel %巴里斯Turak %一个让-雅克Laschet %地中海%一个凯瑟琳Daumas-Duport凉山州Roux % % Bertrand Devaux % T Dysembryoplastic神经上皮的肿瘤% B癫痫手术的一个mri计划% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2012%。0 b013e31826e9aa9 % 首页J神经病学% P 1699 - 1707 X % V 79% N 16%目的:确定最优神经上皮肿瘤切除术在3 dysembryoplastic (DNT)组织学亚型(简单、复杂和非特异性)基于MRI特征。方法:在78年连续癫痫患者操作DNT, MRI特征分类如下:1型(囊性/ polycystic-like well-delineated,强烈hypointense T1), 2型(nodular-like、异构),或3型(dysplastic-like, iso / hyposignal T1,可怜的描述,灰白色物质模糊)。组织学之间的相关性,建立了神经生理研究和手术结果为每个MRI亚型。结果:1型核磁共振(25例,在时间和extratemporal地区)总是与简单或复杂的被平反种族成员。2型核磁共振(25例,主要在皮层区域)和3型核磁共振(28例,主要在内侧颞叶)与特异性的形式。病灶(EZ)根据MRI亚型不同显著(p = 0.0029)。它与1型核磁共振的肿瘤,包括perilesional皮层2型核磁共振,涉及广泛的3型核磁共振领域。皮质发育不良主要被发现在3型MRI (p < 0.0001)。主要控制发作预后因素的结果(83%)完整的肿瘤(p < 0.0001),除EZ (p = 0.0115)。其他因素有利影响结果是癫痫持续时间短(p = 0.013)和缺乏cortical-subcortical损害切除部位(p = 0.053)。 Age at surgery was not related to outcome; however, cortical-subcortical damage was correlated with old age (p = 0.021). Treatment discontinuation was correlated with young age at surgery (p = 0.004) and short epilepsy duration (p = 0.001). Conclusion: We propose that resection might be restricted to the tumor in type 1 MRI and be more extensive in other MRI subtypes, especially in type 3 MRI. Early surgery and clean surgical margins are crucial for curing epilepsy. AED=antiepileptic drug; AH=amygdalo-hippocampectomy; ATL=anterior temporal lobectomy; CD=cortical dysplasia; DNT=dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor; EcoG=electrocorticography; EZ=epileptogenic zone; FLAIR=fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; GWM=gray–white matter; SEEG=stereo-EEG; TLE=temporal lobe epilepsy; WM=white matter %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/79/16/1699.full.pdf