TY - T1的血管再生评分在血管内治疗急性缺血性中风的JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP -件LP - S116做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3182695916六世- 79 - 13补充1 AU - o Zaidat AU -硕士一员盟科学博士Liebeskind AU - n .他非盟- l .韦氏盟R.G. Nogueira直Edgell盟盟- - j.s氧化钾盟a Badruddin AU - j .英语非盟- d . Yavagal盟参考•基尔马尼盟A.V. Alexandrov AU - p Khatri Y1 - 2012/09/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/13_Supplement_1/S110.abstract N2 -背景:血管再通和血管造影再灌注是关键元素成功的血管内介入治疗急性缺首页血性中风(AIS)。静脉注射重组组织纤溶酶原激活物(rt-PA),只有建立了血管再生疗法通过美国食品,药品监督管理局对AIS,可能不太有效的大型动脉阻塞。因此,对血管内血管再生疗法,有热情,可能提供更高的血管再通率,试验正在进行,以确定临床疗效并比较各种方法。预计临床疗效会及时与可行的组织的血管再生。方法:报告、解释和比较各种血管再生的分级方法需要测量标准协议,再现性,易用性,和相关的临床结果。综述了这些参数通过执行Medline文献检索从1965年到2011年。本文批判性评估当前血管再生的评分系统。结果和结论:最常用的血管再生分级方法在AIS介入治疗是脑缺血的溶栓试验(TICI,明显“tissy”)和溶栓在心肌缺血(TIMI)分数。 Until further technical and imaging advances can incorporate real-time reliable perfusion studies in the angio-suite to delineate regional perfusion more accurately, the TICI grading system is the best defined and most widely used scheme. Other grading systems may be used for research and correlation purposes. A new scale that combines primary site occlusion, lesion location, and perfusion should be explored in the future. AIS=acute ischemic stroke; AOL=arterial occlusive lesion; ASITN/SIR=American Society of Intervention and Therapeutic Neuroradiology/Society of Interventional Radiology; DSA=digital subtraction angiography; ERT=endovascular revascularization therapy; MCA=middle cerebral artery; rt-PA=recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; SVIN=Society of Vascular & Interventional Neurology; TIBI=thrombolysis in brain ischemia; TICI=thrombolysis in cerebral ischemia; TIMI=thrombolysis in myocardial ischemia. ER -