TY - T1的供求关系的neurointerventionalists血管内治疗缺血性中风JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S35 LP - S41做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31826957ef六世- 79 - 13补充1 AU -奥萨马o . Zaidat盟马克一员AU -艾米丽·麦克金尼非盟-兰德尔·c·Edgell盟Thanh阮AU - Italo Linfante盟萨他Y1 - 2012/09/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/13_Supplement_1/S35.abstract N2 -目的:估计所需的员工训练有素的n首页eurointerventionalists (NIs)进行血管内治疗急性缺血性中风患者(ET)资格(AIS)。方法:人口和缺血性中风发病率数据提取与使用美国人口普查和2009年疾病控制和预防中心估计。一年一度的“需求”被定义为AIS患者的比例将符合入选标准和临床标准。“供应”被定义为训练有素的NIs和NIs在训练的数量。“劳动力”是NIs需要满足需求的数量(数量的合格的AIS患者)在一个可访问的地理直径。NIs和NI数据收集奖学金(Neurointerventional手术(sni)的社会,社会的血管,介入神经病学(SVIN)、同心首页医疗和半影Inc .)。结果:NIs的估计数量接近800年,练习半径50英里内的在美国的主要城市,覆盖超过95%的美国人口。约40名倪学者每年从美国毕业培训项目。在5年和10年,NIs的数量可能达到1000年和1200年,分别。 Currently, there are approximately 14,000 thrombectomy procedures performed in the United States each year. However, the percentage of AIS patients who may be eligible for ET in our estimation is 4% to 14%, or about 25,000 to 95,000 patients. This means that cases will occur at a rate of 26 to 97 per year in 5 years, or 22 to 81 per year in 10 years, for each NI. Providing 24/7 AIS coverage requires 2 to 3 NIs per medical center, adding to the challenge of providing manpower without diluting experience in areas of lower population density. Conclusion: The current and projected number of NIs would adequately supply the future need if the proportion of patients requiring AIS endovascular therapy increases. However, 2 to 3 NIs per comprehensive stroke center would be needed to provide 24/7 AIS therapy with a sufficient number of cases per NI. A tertiary stroke center model similar to the trauma model may provide the manpower solution without compromising the quality of care. AIS=acute ischemic stroke; IMS=Interventional Management of Stroke; MELT=Middle Cerebral Artery Embolism Local Fibrinolytic Intervention Trial; MERCI=Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia; NI=neurointerventionalist; NIHSS=NIH Stroke Scale; PROACT=Prolyse in Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism; SNIS=Society of Neurointerventional Surgery; SVIN=Society of Vascular & Interventional Neurology; THRACE=Trial and Cost Effectiveness Evaluation of Intra-arterial Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke ER -