TY - T1的血压变化在急性缺血性中风和结果对中风病因JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1440 LP - 1448 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31826d5ed6六世- 79 - 14 AU - g . Ntaios AU - d . Lambrou AU - p . Michel Y1 - 2012/10/02 UR - http://n.n首页eurology.org/content/79/14/1440.abstract N2 -目的:以前的研究表明,适当的血压(BP)管理在急性中风可能需要考虑潜在的病因。方法:所有急性缺血性中风患者在星体注册中心注册在2003年和2009年之间进行了分析。不利的结果被定义为改良Rankin量表评分在2。表面局部多项式算法被用来评估基线和24 - 48小时的影响收缩压(SBP)和平均动脉压(MAP)对患者结果腔隙,动脉粥样硬化,cardioembolic中风。结果:共有791名患者被纳入分析。腔隙和动脉粥样硬化中风,没有区别之间的不利结果的概率预测患者承认英国石油& lt; 140毫米汞柱,140 - 160毫米汞柱,或在160毫米汞柱(12.1% vs 15.3 vs 20.8%,分别为腔隙,p = 015;分别41.0% vs 41.5% vs 45.5%,动脉粥样硬化,p = 075),或患者BP之间增加和减少在24 - 48小时(腔隙分别为18.7%和18.0%,p = 0.84;分别为43.4%和43.6%,动脉粥样硬化,p = 0.88)。cardioembolic中风,增加了英国石油公司在24 - 48小时有关概率较高的不利结果相比,英国石油(BP)降低(分别为53.4%和42.2%,p = 0.037)。 Also, the predicted probability of unfavorable outcome was significantly different between patients with an admission BP of <140 mm Hg, 140–160 mm Hg, and >160 mm Hg (34.8% vs 42.3% vs 52.4%, respectively, p < 0.01). Conclusions: This study provides evidence to support that BP management in acute stroke may have to be tailored with respect to the underlying etiopathogenetic mechanism. ASTRAL =Acute STroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne; BP =blood pressure; CHUV =Central University Hospital of Vaud; CI =confidence interval; DBP =diastolic blood pressure; MAP =mean arterial pressure; mRS =modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS =NIH Stroke Scale; SBP =systolic blood pressure ER -