TY -的T1 -概述关键因素的改善急性中风保健JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S26 LP - S34做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3182695a2a六世- 79 - 13补充1 AU - Ramy埃尔科盟-理查德·荣格盟阿施施南达盟-凯西尸罗盟-迈克尔·g·亚伯拉罕盟艾丽西娅·c·卡斯顿圭盟——奥萨马o . Zaidat Y1 - 2012/09/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/13_Supplement_1/S26.abstract N2 -背景:尽管急性中风治疗最新进展,只有一小部分的急性缺首页血性中风患者接受静脉和血管内血管再生疗法。本文概述了影响因素获得中风治疗。方法:关键影响因素获得中风保健强调在社会的血管和神经学介入(SVIN)圆桌会议进行了总结。首页相关的选择参考患者的院前、医院、和立法和经济因素影响获得中风保健,从Medline数据库(1995年到2011年之间),也包括在内。简要总结这些关键因素的改善中风治疗。结果:患者的院前因素包括社区;医院管理者的教育和卫生保健人员;调度程序;医疗运输系统; and preparedness and stroke education of emergency medical services (EMS). Stroke-ready hospitals and networking with other regional tertiary stroke hospitals play important roles in increasing access to stroke care. In addition, legislation at the state and federal levels is a key factor in providing high-quality, timely access to stroke care for the population in general. Strategies to facilitate access to stroke therapy are critical to improving mortality and functional outcome and increasing the proportion of patients treated by systemic thrombolysis and endovascular approaches. Conclusion: This is a brief overview and summary of selected factors influencing access to stroke care. These factors are divided into prehospital, hospital, legislative, and economic categories. Multilevel education of the population, public health care personnel, hospital preparedness, and legislative and economic factors are important in improving access to stroke care. AIS=acute ischemic stroke; AST=acute stroke team; BAC=Brain Attack Coalition; CSCs=comprehensive stroke centers; EMS=emergency medical services; GH=general hospital; IA=intra-arterial; JC=Joint Commission; LR=likelihood ratio; NINDS=National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; OSH=outside spoke hospital; PSCs=primary stroke centers; rtPA=recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; sICH=symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage; SLBSI=St. Luke Brain and Stroke Institute; SVIN=Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology ER -