TY -的T1 -沉默的缺血性病变在年轻人第一次中风与复发有关中风摩根富林明——神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1208 LP - 1214 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31826aacac六世- 79 - 12 AU -劳拉·c·吉奥亚盟Eleonore Tollard盟——薇罗尼卡等级AU - Sylvain Lanthier盟燕Deschaintre AU -米盖尔查冈盟Alexandre y Poppe Y1 - 2012/09/18 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/12/1208.abstract N2 -目的:确定沉默首页的缺血性病变之间的关系(SILs)基线在年轻的成年人大脑核磁共振和复发性中风首次缺血性中风。方法:这是一个单中心回顾性研究的成年患者18-50岁首次缺血性中风研究脑部MRI在2002和2009之间。沉默的脑梗塞(sbi)被定义为焦T2 hyperintensities≥3毫米没有相应的局部症状,和leukoaraiosis被定义为焦点,灶状或支流hyperintensities在T2加权序列。主要结果是中风复发。向前逐步Cox回归模型被用来确定SILs是独立与中风复发有关。结果:共有271个符合条件的患者中确定数据库:89不接受核磁共振成像和12例随访不足,留下170人口研究的病人。MRI显示170年48 SILs(28.2)的病人。没有病人leukoaraiosis孤立。高血压(p = 0.049),偏头痛先兆的患者(p = 0.02),和心血管疾病与SIL)相关(p = 0.04)。 Mean follow-up duration was 25 ± 7 months. Among patients with SILs, 11 of 48 (23%) had a recurrent stroke vs 8 of 122 (6.5%) patients without SIL (p = 0.003). After multivariate Cox regression, SILs remained independently associated with recurrent stroke (hazard ratio [HR] 3.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2−8.6, p = 0.02), as did the combination of SBIs and leukoaraiosis (HR 7.3, 95% CI 2.3−22.9, p = 0.003). Conclusions: In adults ≤50 years old with first-ever ischemic stroke, SILs are common and independently predict recurrent stroke. ACS =acute coronary syndrome; CI =confidence interval; FLAIR =fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; NIHSS =NIH Stroke Scale; SBI =silent brain infarct; SIL =silent ischemic lesion; TOAST =Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment ER -