TY -的T1 -儿童中风复发和恢复问卷JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 864 LP - 870 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e318266fc9a六世- 79 - 9 AU -沃伦·d·罗盟丽贝卡·n·Ichord AU -迈克尔·m·道林盟Mubeen Rafay AU -杰弗里·邓普顿盟英杰华Halperin AU -塞布丽娜·e·史密斯AU - Daniel j . Licht盟Mahendranath Moharir AU -兰德Askalan盟加布里埃尔deVeber Y1 - 2012/08/28 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/9/864.abstract N2 -目的:我们开发了复发和恢复问卷(RRQ)儿科中风的测量结果(PSOM)转换为首页电话采访和问卷调查试图验证RRQ群体。方法:我们分析了父母RRQ反应和当天PSOM评估为232儿童动脉缺血性中风,脑sinovenous血栓形成,或假定围产期缺血性中风。我们评估了协议和一致性的PSOM RRQ,和我们确定条件导致差异2措施。我们测试了所选因素预测差异总PSOM和总RRQ (tPSOM和tRRQ)分数。结果:PSOM得分中位数为1.5和RRQ得分中位数为1.5。tPSOM之间有良好的协议和tRRQ RRQ PSOM的可靠估计量在总组件级别。先前存在的神经赤字或慢性疾病增加的区别tPSOM tRRQ;慢性疾病的效果与单变量分析确认。结论:RRQ可以描述卒中后功能当一个孩子不能换取考试。 While the RRQ is not identical to the PSOM, the 2 measures likely assess closely related aspects of recovery. The RRQ is particularly useful when assessing outcomes of large cohorts, and will be useful in performing long-term follow-up studies of pediatric stroke. ICC=intraclass correlation; IPSS=International Pediatric Stroke Study; PSOM=Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure; RRQ=Recurrence and Recovery Questionnaire; SIS=Stroke Impact Scale; tPSOM=Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure total score; tRRQ=Recurrence and Recovery Questionnaire total score ER -