TY -的T1 -阿尔茨海默病病理和纵向没有痴呆摩根富林明的长寿老人的认知能力——神经学乔-神经病学SP - 915 LP - 921 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e318266fc77六世- 79 - 9盟阿卡纳b Balasubramanian盟——克劳迪娅·h·川盟——凯莉b Peltz AU -罗恩Brookmeyer盟玛丽亚·m·Corrada Y1 - 2012/08/28 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/9/915.abstract N2 -目的首页:被假定个人无痴呆和阿尔茨海默病(AD)神经病理学可能在痴呆的临床前阶段,可能经历微妙的认知能力下降。本研究的目的是比较纵向长寿老人的个体认知能力没有痴呆和没有广告神经病理学。方法:无痴呆的研究包括了58个人90 +的解剖研究,以人群为基础的研究衰老和痴呆的人年龄在90岁及以上。参与者神经和神经心理学测试每6个月,平均随访3年。我们比较认知能力的轨迹在细微精神状态检查修改后的女士(3)和加州言语学习测试二(CVLT)神经病理学水平的广告。基于财团建立注册表为阿尔茨海默病斑登台,个人被分类低(没有或稀疏)或高(中度或频繁)斑块。基于Braak和Braak举办,参与者被分类为低(阶段》)或高(IV-VI)缠结。结果:未发现显著差异在3或女士CVLT认知能力随着时间的推移,根据斑块或混乱阶段。高和低的病理组织显示适度的改进3女士和CVLT符合学习效果。 Conclusions: AD neuropathology at autopsy is not associated with the trajectory of cognitive performance in the 3 years before death in oldest-old without dementia. Despite the presence of AD neuropathology at death, oldest-old without dementia display learning effects on cognitive tests. Further research is necessary to understand factors other than AD neuropathology that may affect cognition in the oldest-old. 3MS=Modified Mini-Mental State Examination; AD=Alzheimer disease; ADRC=Alzheimer's Disease Research Center; CERAD=Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease; CIND=cognitive impairment with no dementia; CVLT=California Verbal Learning Test II; DSM-IV=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition; LRT=likelihood ratio test ER -