RT期刊文章SR电子T1 MRI和灶状萎缩neuropathologic路易体痴呆的分类与摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 553 OP 560 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31826357a5 VO 79是6 A1 Kejal Kantarci A1坦尼斯j . Ferman A1布拉德利f . Boeve A1斯蒂芬·d·Weigand A1斯科特Przybelski A1 Prashanthi Vemuri A1梅丽莎·m·默里A1马修·l·Senjem A1格伦·e·史密斯A1 David s . Knopman A1罗纳德·c·彼得森A1克利福德·r·杰克,Jr . A1约瑟夫·e·帕里A1丹尼斯·w·迪克森年2012 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/79/6/553.abstract AB目的:确定之间的关联措施在临死前的MRI和灶状萎缩后期neuropathologic路首页易体痴呆与分类(下文)使用下文财团的第三份报告标准。方法:我们回顾性56个受试者接受了临死前的MRI和路易体(磅)病理尸检。受试者按病理分类(n = 25),中间(n = 22),和低可能性下文(n = 9)根据下文财团的第三份报告标准。我们包括2额外的病理对照组没有磅:一个阿尔茨海默病(AD)(可能性较低的控制;n = 27)和一个高可能性广告(n = 33)。之间的关联mri体积测量和下文的病理分类进行了协方差分析,通过调整年龄、性别和MRI-to-death区间。结果:临死前的海马和amygdalar卷从下文可能性低,中间高增加(p < 0.001,趋势检验)。小海马和amygdalar卷与高Braak神经原纤维缠结阶段(p < 0.001)。临死前的背mesopontine灰质(GM)萎缩被发现的可能性高下文亦较正常对照组(p = 0.004)和广告(p = 0.01)。 Dorsal mesopontine GM volume decreased from low to intermediate to high likelihood DLB (p = 0.01, trend test). Conclusion: Antemortem hippocampal and amygdalar volumes increase and dorsal mesopontine GM volumes decrease in patients with low to high likelihood DLB according to the Third Report of the DLB Consortium criteria. Patients with high likelihood DLB typically have normal hippocampal volumes but have atrophy in the dorsal mesopontine GM nuclei. AD =Alzheimer disease; AUROC =area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; CERAD =Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease; DLB =dementia with Lewy bodies; GM =gray matter; LB =Lewy bodies; MCI =mild cognitive impairment; NFT =neurofibrillary tangle; ROI =region of interest.