PT -期刊文章盟安范德沃特盟-西蒙唱盟-蒂莫西·斯佩尔曼盟-马克Peter Mitchell万豪AU -斯科特·科尔伯盟盟-安德鲁·埃文斯AU -赫尔穆特•Butzkueven TI -双盲、随机、对照研究A型肉毒杆菌毒素的医学相关地震援助- 10.1212 / WNL。0 b013e31825dcdd9 DP - 2012 7月03 TA -神经首页病学第六PG - 92 - 99 - 79 IP - 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2012 7月03;79 AB -目的:评估肉毒杆菌毒素A的安全性和有效性在禁用多发性硬化症(MS)−相关上肢震颤。方法:23例33上肢的女士提供的数据。每个肢体都随机交叉设计接受肉毒杆菌毒素类型在基线和反向或安慰剂治疗12周。3主要成果是中位数贝恩震颤评级得分震颤严重程度的变化,写作,绘画一个阿基米德螺旋从基线到6和12周后用肉毒杆菌毒素治疗类型与生理盐水治疗后与安慰剂。一个独立的评定等级的随机视频评估得分进行每6周超过6个月。结果:有一个显著的改善后,肉毒杆菌毒素与安慰剂治疗后地震严重程度贝恩在6周(p = 0.0005)和12周(p = 0.0001),写作6周(p = 0.0001)和12周(p = 0.0003),和阿基米德螺旋图6周(p = 0.0006)和12周(p = 0.0002)。肉毒杆菌毒素治疗后更多的病人发展疲软(42.2%)比安慰剂注射后(6.1%;(p = 0.0005)。弱点是轻度(探测)中度(仍然能够使用肢体),两周内解决。 Conclusions: Targeted botulinum toxin type A injections significantly improve arm tremor and tremor-related disability in patients with MS. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class III evidence that targeted injection of botulinum toxin type A is associated with significant improvement in MS-related upper limb tremor. Neurology® 2012;79:92–99 BT=botulinum toxin type A; CRST=Combined Rating Score for Tremor; ICARS=International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale; IQR=interquartile range; MS=multiple sclerosis; MST=multiple sclerosis tremor; QUEST=Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire; SARA=Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia