作者@article {Newhouse91 = {P。纽豪斯和k Kellar p·爱森和h白色和k Wesnes大肠Coderre和a .普法夫和h·威尔金斯·d·霍华德和既有莱文},标题={尼古丁的治疗轻度认知障碍},体积={78}={2},页面= {91 - 101}= {2012},doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0 b013e31823efcbb} = {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:初步评估经皮的尼古丁疗法的安全性和有效性在认知能力和临床学科地位与轻首页度认知障碍(MCI)。方法:不吸烟被遗忘MCI被随机分配到皮肤尼古丁(每天15毫克或安慰剂)6个月。主要的结果变量是注意力改善评估与康纳斯连续性能测试(CPT),以临床临床改善全球印象,安全措施。二次措施包括计算机认知测试和病人和观察者的评级。结果:74名受试者中,39随机安慰剂尼古丁和35。67例(34尼古丁,33安慰剂)完成。主要的认知结果测量(CPT)显示显著身上观察到尼古丁诱导下。改善没有对医生评分显著影响全球的进步。 The secondary outcome measures showed significant nicotine-associated improvements in attention, memory, and psychomotor speed, and improvements were seen in patient/informant ratings of cognitive impairment. Safety and tolerability for transdermal nicotine were excellent. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that transdermal nicotine can be safely administered to nonsmoking subjects with MCI over 6 months with improvement in primary and secondary cognitive measures of attention, memory, and mental processing, but not in ratings of clinician-rated global impression. We conclude that this initial study provides evidence for nicotine-induced cognitive improvement in subjects with MCI; however, whether these effects are clinically important will require larger studies. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that 6 months of transdermal nicotine (15 mg/day) improves cognitive test performance, but not clinical global impression of change, in nonsmoking subjects with amnestic MCI. AD=Alzheimer disease; AE=adverse event; BMI=body mass index; CDR=Clinical Dementia Rating; CGIC=Clinical Global Impression of Change; CPT=Continuous Performance Test; CRT=Choice Reaction Time; MCI=mild cognitive impairment; OASR=Older Adult Self Report; OABCL=Older Adult Behavior Checklist; RT=reaction time}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/2/91}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/2/91.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }