% 0期刊文章% d·怀斯%泽勒一根特纳r % d % A·内格尔% c . Reinsberger % j j。Rumpf % j·克拉森% T焦手肌张力障碍% B缺乏证据的异常运动表示静止% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2012%。0 b013e31823efce6 % 首页J神经病学% P 122 - 128 X % V 78% N 2%目的:检查是否源自初级运动皮质皮质脊髓的系统可能会组织促进代矛盾的运动。方法:在这个横断面观察研究,手指运动(FM)表示在10焦手肌张力障碍患者进行评估(FHD)和10个匹配的健康对照组经颅磁刺激在休息。右手的手指运动激活的记录使用测试数据手套。手指关节运动模式使用聚类分析进行了分析。主成分分析和重力中心的手指运动表象和运动诱发电位记录外展全身和外展digiti最小的肌肉被计算。相比之下,高分辨率的躯体感觉诱发电位(SSEP)记录后电刺激的拇指(D1)或小指(D5)在同一病人。源重建N20 SSEP组件使用dual-dipole执行模型。结果:刺激的运动皮层休息没有透露FHD明显异常,对手指关节运动模式和对拓扑结构的组织手指运动或手内在肌表示。 However, in line with previous reports, the distance between the dipole sources of D1 and D5 in the somatosensory cortex (S1) was smaller in patients with FHD, suggesting disruption of homuncular finger representations in S1. Conclusions: Our findings may imply that abnormality of motor organization in focal hand dystonia arises principally only during activation, when abnormal somatosensory representations are functionally integrated. ADM=abductor digiti minimi; ANOVA=analysis of variance; APB=abductor pollicis brevis; CoG=center of gravity; FHD=focal hand dystonia; FM=finger movement; M1=primary motor cortex; MEP=motor evoked potential; PC=principal component; PV=posture vector; S1=somatosensory cortex; SSEP=somatosensory evoked potential; TMS=transcranial magnetic stimulation %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/78/2/122.full.pdf