@article {FosterP4.201作者={诺曼·福斯特和Rorie DuPrey和理查德·d·金和约翰·m·霍夫曼和杰弗瑞·t·Yap Satoshi Minoshima和凯文角曰张},title ={影响宠物淀粉样蛋白分类管理技术(影响)(P4.201)},体积={88}={16}补充数量,elocation-id = {P4.201} ={2017},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:评估是否添加淀粉PET成像认知评估影响认知障碍的管理,和病人和家庭报告结果。首页背景:认知缺陷的准确诊断仍然是具有挑战性和提供者往往不同意。结果病人和家庭往往是不确定的诊断是否正确,不能采用改变人生的建议,直到出现危机。淀粉PET成像是一种可靠的生物标志物的{\ textquoteright}年代老年痴呆症病理诊断的不确定性也会降低,改善的结果。设计/方法:Non-Medicare轻度认知障碍或痴呆的患者不清楚病因得到[18 f] Flutemetamol PET / CT扫描和淀粉样蛋白分类是基于标准的视觉评估。我们评估之前和之后的3个月后再次扫描和1)医师诊断和推荐的药物治疗和护理实践,和2)的家人报告结果的信心诊断、满意度评价,和浏览体验。一个双边配对魏克森讯号等级测试是用来评估信心(或满意度)水平的变化,我们评估\ %的变化管理建议。结果:我们最初的经验表明,临床诊断和管理建议经常改变由于淀粉样蛋白的分类。虽然之前怀疑{\ textquoteright}年代老年痴呆症病理通常是确认,有时意想不到的结果。区分精神疾病通常考虑年青认知障碍。病人在一个55岁的{\ textquoteright}年代老年痴呆症诊断淀粉样蛋白-扫描证实,著名的情绪干扰不是{\ textquoteright} t痴呆的并发症。在另一个病人年龄51岁,正面扫描解释了为什么抑郁症治疗未能改善认知症状。 Changes in recommended care practices were more frequent than medication changes.Conclusions: The classification of Alzheimer{\textquoteright}s pathology with amyloid PET frequently changes diagnosis and even more often alters diagnostic confidence and care. Further experience is needed to fully understand the role of amyloid classification technology in clinical practice.Study Supported by: The Rodney H. and Carolyn Hansen Brady FundDisclosure: Dr. Foster has received personal compensation for activities with Piramal and Bristol-Myers Squibb as a consultant. Dr. Foster holds stock and/or stock options in Proactive Memory Services, Inc. Dr. Foster has received research support from GE Healthcare, the Center for Health Improvement, Northern California Institute of Research, and the Veterans Administration. Dr. DuPrey, M.S. has nothing to disclose. Dr. King, M.D., Ph.D. has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hoffman, M.D. has nothing to disclose. Dr. Yap, Ph.D. has nothing to disclose. Dr. Minoshima has received personal compensation for activities with Hamamatsu Photonics as a consultant. Dr. Minoshima has received license payments from GE Healthcare. Dr. Minoshima has received research support from Hitachi and Nihon Medi. Dr. Horn, M.D., Ph.D. has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zhang, Ph.D. has nothing to disclose.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P4.201}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }