RT期刊文章SR电子T1特异性神经元烯醇酶与其他预后标记后心脏骤停摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 623 OP 630 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31822a276d VO 77是7 A1 t Cronberg A1 m . Rundgren A1 Westhall A1 e·e·英格伦A1 r . Siemund A1罗森A1 h·威德纳A1 h·弗里年2011 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/77/7/623首页.abstract AB目的:低温治疗(TH)是一个推荐的治疗心脏骤停的幸存者。预测是复杂自镇静和放松肌肉,并建立预后不良的指标缺乏。这种前瞻性,观察研究描述了常用的预后标志物的模式在hypothermia-treated群心脏骤停患者长时间的昏迷。方法:111个连续的患者中,1188金宝慱官网下载9岁死了,58恢复,和34在昏迷3天正常体温后心脏骤停后(4.5天),定义为长期昏迷。所有患者监测连续amplitude-integrated脑电图和重复样品特异性神经元烯醇酶(了无)收集。长时间的昏迷,患者躯体感觉诱发电位(SSEP)和脑MRI进行。后期的大脑进行调查的患者死亡。结果:6的17个病人(35%),分析了无水平< 33μg / L在48小时内恢复能力服从口头命令。相比之下,17个病人了无水平> 33未能恢复意识。 In the >33 NSE group, all 10 studied with MRI had extensive brain injury on diffusion-weighted images, 12/16 lacked cortical responses on SSEP, and all 6 who underwent autopsy had extensive severe histologic damage. NSE levels also correlated with EEG pattern, but less uniformly, since 11/17 with NSE <33 had an electrographic status epilepticus (ESE), only one of whom recovered. A continuous EEG pattern correlated to NSE <33 and awakening. Conclusions: NSE correlates well with other markers of ischemic brain injury. In patients with no other signs of brain injury, postanoxic ESE may explain a poor outcome. aEEG=amplitude-integrated EEG monitoring; CA=cardiac arrest; CPC=Cerebral Performance Categories Scale; DWI=diffusion-weighted image; ESE=electrographic status epilepticus; GCS-M=motor response to pain according to Glasgow Coma Scale; ICU=intensive care unit; IQR=interquartile range; NSE=neuron-specific enolase; ROC=receiver operating characteristic; SB=suppression burst; SSEP=somatosensory evoked potential; TH=therapeutic hypothermia