RT期刊文章SR电子T1环境危险因素和临床表型在家族和零星的原发性睑痉挛摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 631 OP 637 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e3182299e13 VO 77是7 A1 g .看来A1 g . Abbruzzese A1硕士Aniello A1 m . Bloise A1 c Crisci A1 r . Eleopra A1 g . Fabbrini A1 p Girlanda A1 r . Liguori说道A1。Macerollo A1 l .马里内利A1 d·马蒂诺A1 F。Morgante A1 l .澳网A1 m . Tinazzi A1。Berardelli年2011 UL http://n.neu首页rology.org/content/77/7/631.abstract AB背景:虽然环境和遗传因素可能导致睑痉挛的病因,它们的相对贡献导致家族性和零星的睑痉挛是未知的。方法:122例原发性睑痉挛患者的一级亲属与验证两步检查诊断程序,包括筛选问卷和考试的一些亲戚。考官被蒙蔽的问卷数据渊源者的家族病史。人口统计学和临床特征的数据,之前眼科投诉,收集和nondecaffeinated咖啡摄入量从渊源者家庭调查。结果:肌张力障碍诊断在27个亲戚从23家庭(20%的肌张力障碍家族史)。家族之间没有显著差异被发现和零星病例在喝咖啡的频率和眼科疾病或性别、发病年龄、或传播的趋势。多变量条件逻辑分析检测67例患者和127一家兄弟姐妹睑痉挛之间显著正相关,影响之前眼疾(调整后的优势比(或)2.5; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1–6.1; p = 0.03) and a significant inverse association between case status and ever coffee drinking (adjusted OR 0.23; 95% CI 0.1–0.8; p = 0.02). Conclusions: The new information from this large family-based study on primary blepharospasm strongly supports eye diseases and coffee as risk factors for blepharospasm. The finding that the 2 environmental exposures exerted a similar influence on familial and sporadic blepharospasm, together with the convergent phenotypic expression in familial and sporadic cases, implies that familial and sporadic blepharospasm probably share a common etiologic background. BSP=primary blepharospasm; CI=confidence interval; ICC=intraclass correlation coefficient