TY -的T1 Ultra-high-field成像区分病变女士从无症状脑白质病变JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 534 LP - 539 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31820b7630六世- 76 - 6盟。Tallantyre AU - J.E. Dixon盟。唐纳森AU - T·欧文斯AU -注:摩根盟P.G.莫里斯AU - n Evangelou Y1 - 2011/02/08 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/6/534.abstract N2 -目的:探讨多首页发性硬化(MS)和非MS是否可以区分脑白质病变T MRI T2 *三7日外表。方法:这是一个观察性研究28 MS患者和17个脑白质病变患者没有女士受试者使用7 T T2 *三成像成像。白质病变是识别和分析体积,位置和perivenous外观。结果:901 MS患者的损伤识别,80%是perivenous。相比之下,19%的428中确定病变患者没有女士perivenous外观。Seven-Tesla T2*-weighted MRI reliably distinguished all patients with clinically definite MS (>40% lesions appeared perivenous) from those without clinical MS (<40% lesions appeared perivenous). Perivenous lesion appearance was more predictive of MS (odds ratio [OR] 14, p < 0.001) than subcortical or periventricular lesion location (OR 4.5, p < 0.001, and OR 2.4, p = 0.009). Perivenous lesion appearance was observed with a similar frequency in patients with clinically isolated syndrome of demyelination and in early (gadolinium-enhancing) MS lesions. Conclusion: Perivenous lesion location on 7 T T2*-weighted imaging is predictive of the presence of demyelination. Optimization of this imaging technique at lower magnetic resonance field strengths would offer benefit for the diagnosis of MS. ER -