TY -的T1 Rasch-built整体残疾量表(R-ODS)免疫介导的周围神经病变JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 337 LP - 345 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e318208824b六世- 76 - 4盟S.I. van Nes盟E.K. Vanhoutte盟P.A.范·多尔恩AU - m .何曼思盟m .赞美非盟- k . Kuitwaard盟C.G. Faber盟I.S.J. Merkies Y1 - 2011/01/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/4/337.abstract N2 -目的:开发基首页于线性加权,捕捉活动规模和社会参与的局限性在格林-巴利综合征(GBS)患者,慢性炎性脱髓鞘多神经根神经病(CIDP)和gammopathy-related多神经病(MGUSP)。方法:初步Rasch-built整体残疾量表(R-ODS)包含146活动和参与项目建成,根据国际分类功能,残疾和健康,文献检索,病人面谈。初步R-ODS评估两次(间隔:2 - 4周;两次试验法的可靠性研究)294年经验的GBS患者在过去(n = 174)或目前稳定CIDP (n = 80)或MGUSP (n = 40)。数据分析使用拉希(RUMM2020)一维的测量模型。结果:初步R-ODS不符合预期的拉希模型。基于无序阈值,不适应环境的统计,项目偏差,和地方依赖项是系统地改善模型配合,定期间隔控制类和模型数据。最后,我们成功地构建一个缓拉希规模,满足所有需求。“看报纸/书”和“吃”是两个简单的物品; “standing for hours” and “running” were the most difficult ones. Good validity and reliability were obtained. Conclusion: The R-ODS is a linearly weighted scale that specifically captures activity and social participation limitations in patients with GBS, CIDP, and MGUSP. Compared to the Overall Disability Sum Score, the R-ODS represents a wider range of item difficulties, thereby better targeting patients with different ability levels. If responsive, the R-ODS will be valuable for future clinical trials and follow-up studies in these conditions. ER -