TY - T1的进步与刚度和肌阵挛性脑脊髓炎:胸腺切除术后决议JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 303 LP - 304 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e318207b008六世盟- 76 - 3 - k Clerinx AU - t . Breban AU - m . Schrooten盟M.I.雷特盟——a·文森特AU - j . Verschakelen AU - t . Tousseyn AU - w . Vandenberghe Y1 - 2011/01/18 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/conten首页t/76/3/303.abstract N2 -进步脑脊髓炎与刚度和肌阵挛(烫)是一个障碍的亚急性发病呈现广泛的刚性,痛苦的痉挛,肌阵挛和突出。1烫stiff-person可能相关综合症(SPS)。在两种情况下,大多数病人anti-glutamic酸脱羧酶(anti-GAD)抗体,并且都可以是多种的。然而,烫发与SPS的脑干和长径及其积极的迹象。最初,烫被视为均匀致命的。2最近,部分改善烫被报道在极少数情况下。3、4我们描述一个病人烫和甘氨酸受体抗体胸腺瘤切除术后完全康复了。分类的证据。这个病例报告提供了四级的证据表明,胸腺切除术为胸腺瘤导致解决烫。病例报告。2008年9月15日,一个49岁的农民没有重大病史发达右腿疼痛,5天内成为无法忍受的。 Lumbosacral spine MRI was normal. He then developed involuntary, painful extension spasms of the right leg, left arm stiffness, speech and swallowing difficulties, intermittent diplopia, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, and excessive sweating. He could no longer fully open his mouth, and was referred to our hospital with a tentative diagnosis of tetanus, 8 days after onset. On admission, he was … ER -